
Friday, May 17, 2013

(Finally) Friday Funnies: Pre-Mother's Day Wrap-Up

I sure am kicking myself for not getting a Friday Funnies post out last week because there is sooooo much to write about now after two weeks off!  Plus, I have several other blog post ideas forming too, so read through this one and check back later this weekend!!

I'm going to start out with a couple that John's mom told me after watching the kids the Tuesday before last.  Sorry if I messed up the stories!  I had told Valerie that Megan also had an interest in fruit rollups so she was trying to surprise Megan that Tuesday.  Megan went into the bathroom to go poop. 
When she came out Grandma Lewis said, "I have a surprise for you - a fruit rollup!" 
Megan replied, "Grandma... fruit snacks are for poop... fruit rollups are for pee...!"

Grandma and Grandpa Lewis took the kids to several parks that day also.  While taking the kids in and out of the van Valerie was not using button that would shut the door hands free.  Instead she was shutting it using the handle.  Megan thought she should be using the button and after each time she would tell Grandma to use the button and Grandma would say, "Oh, I forgot.  I will do it next time."  Finally Megan got really frustrated...
Megan:  Grandma, next time you listen to me!
Grandma (under hear breath):  Gee, I wonder where she's heard that before?
Megan (who obviously heard Grandma):  At your house!!!
The Wednesday before last was Owen's birthday.  We didn't do anything really since I couldn't take off work but the kids did come visit me at work and then we went to McDonald's for lunch!  After visiting with my co-workers a bit we took off.  Owen rode with Daddy and Megan rode with me.  She was a hoot...  Instead of leaving the building the way they came in I had to walk through the warehouse to clock out.  I didn't think Megan's been here too often but she kept saying, "No Mommy, that's the Dorsty way".  Here she was remembering that when they go to my mom's end of the building they go that way too to visit Dorothy!  I did not go to the bathroom before we left work and told Megan I had to go potty.  She replied with, "It's ok, Mommy, just hold your pee."   Then when we got to the car she was still chatty and told me that from her car seat she could see the car buttons and also my pillow.  She is going to sit on the pillow too when she learns to drive because she will be medium just like me.

At McDonald's she was intrigued by the heavy blue, mesh drapes that were tied up around the play place area.  My assumption is they could untie them and it would block off the play zone.  Megan wanted to open them up to have a fashion show and they would be like a stage!
Why do I feel like I bring up going potty a lot on these posts?... Anyways, Megan knew I went into the bathroom to do #2 one night.  She waited outside the door and told me to sing the ABC's while I went.  When she knew I was done she was so proud and said, "Good job, Mommy!  Now you get a fruit snack!"

Megan during the night after hearing Owen crying, "Mommy, Owen needs you"... or another night "Mommy, Owen can't sleep without you."  She always walks to my side of the bed to tell me the news to.  Sometimes I am glad because I'm so tired I probably wouldn't have heard him if not for her!

My husband is so funny also.  You know how he lost so much weight, right?  Well, he still has a few XXL shirts that he wears just because his entire wardrobe hasn't been cleaned out yet.  I was cleaning the bathroom one evening and he walks in with his shirt untucked from his jeans saying, "Does my body make this shirt look big?"

Megan is absolutely in love with her bike (with training wheels, of course).  And I think it's safe to say she is very close to mastering it.  A couple times she even dares to ride no hands!  By accident one time she rode onto the sloping curbs and got stuck.  The front tire and two training wheels we the only wheels touching and since the back tire was up in the air an inch or so she couldn't get anywhere when pedaling!  I made some comment like, "Now, that's a good exercise bike!" Now she rides to the curb on purpose just to work out her legs!

These pictures are from a walk we took one evening.  I was pushing the stroller and Megan was rding her bike.  I must have worked her had because she stopped and said her legs were really sore from riding bike.  She had to stretch her legs like Daddy does!

Megan and I took Owen to his one year doctor's checkup last Friday.  We always have to strip the babies down to a clean diaper for weighing and measuring.  After we got back to the exam room Megan told me she had to go potty.  The nurse agreed to stay with Owen while I went with Megan.  On the way back I see a big huddle of nurses and doctors in the hallway by our room.  Her Owen had wandered out when he noticed we were gone and was modeling his diaper for everyone!  This boy sure loves attention from the ladies!!!

I think it was last weekend where I had the kids sitting down for dinner with me at the table.  Owen is usually so good but sometimes he gets fussy and wants out.  When he does, and probably like most kids his age, he starts waving his arms and wrists.  Megan thought it was particularly funny that night and exclaimed, "Mommy, Owen's conducting!"  I think of that every time he does that now.  We've even expanded on it asking Megan what he's conducting.  She replied, "He's conducting to get louder and faster!"  Boy is she ever right about that!

Megan's told me several times that she loves our house.  But she really loves the basement at my parents' place because she can run and run and play with bigger toys.  She told my mom on Wednesday that she wants a basement at her place.  And we shouldn't worry because she has a birthday coming up and she's sure she will get one!

Me this morning:  Megan, please let me brush your hair...
Megan:  Mommy... my fingers are like a brush!

I told Megan that she could not eat a marshmallow this morning because she didn't sleep in her bed the entire night.  She could, however, pack one along for after her nap at Grandma's house.  She got a bag and asked if the marshmallows were in her own house (a.k.a. under the steps).  No, I told her they were by the bread.  When Megan found them right where I told her they were she said, "Mommy, you're a Genius!" 

Yep, you heard it.  I am a GENIUS and I think that's the perfect way to wrap up this Friday funny post.  Have a great weekend, everyone!

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