
Monday, May 27, 2013

First Picnic of the Summer: Castle Park!

We were back to Castle Park on Friday for a family picnic.  We try to do one every week during the summer so we're off to a good start.  John took the kids grocery shopping for fruit and Mackenthun's brats.  We went there, ate, and had just enough time to play in the park before rain came!

The view from the gazebo was great but Owen was eyeing up the pickle jar!

How handsome are my man and little guy!  I couldn't not share this one!

Megan loved the Lucy statue and she even asked me to take the picture!

Owen learned how to go down the slide by himself - on his tummy and feet first!  
He thought it was a blast!  

Photo Funnies: Pre-Memorial Day Round-Up

Here are the funnies from the past week or so.  Lots of cute photo funnies at the end.  Enjoy and Happy Memorial Day!

Me: No Megan, we can't just stop at the pizza store.  The Mini Murphs cost a lot of money.
Megan: That's ok.  I have money at home.

Me: No Megan, we can't put that game on Mommy's phone, it costs a lot of money.
Megan: Do you have a hole so I can put the money in it?

Last week I took Megan to church by myself and John and Owen went to his home church so he could play bells.  Sitting in the pew, Megan tried opening up the Bible to read the words and concluded she needed glasses to read that book!  Later she asked me if we were going up front to get food (communion) during church!

We still have Owen's big Mickey balloon at our house.  It's actually still holding air and we have it tied to Owen's high chair.  Lately Megan has been enjoying taking it and holding it over our plates when we eat, giving us some "shade"!

Yesterday Megan was helping me make a chicken and rice casserole.  She did a great job helping with every single step of the way.  Since I can't eat cream of mushroom soup I have a dry powdered soup mixture that I mix with the rest of the ingredients and thickens as it cooks to imitate the cream of mushroom soup.  Megan was using a little scoop to add it to the casserole dish when she said, "We're adding Owen's formula!  Owen is sharing with us!"  

Gosh, this shopping is hard work, Mom!

Something tells me that these Sunday school corn syrup paintings were not the right thing to have on the wall during the hot and humid days of last weekend.

It was time to go inside and eat at Grandma's last week but the only way was to first demonstrate our hula hoop skills.  Megan took my picture - she actually did a great job!

 Uh-oh!!  Look who fell down in the wet ground at the playground!

"Mommy, let me fix your chair.  Wrench!?!

I've decided that Owen doesn't have separation anxiety, he just plain has left-behind anxiety!  It doesn't matter who goes where, he just wants to go too!!!

One of my favorites this week is how Megan yells "TOUCHDOWN!" everytime Owen falls over at home.  I really shouldn't be laughing at the fact that he falls over but just can't help it!

Have a good week everyone!!!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Outside On The Hot & Humid Weekend

It's been cold and rainy all week. Miserable. It was hot and humid this entire weekend. Absolutely Gross. And as Megan would say, "What kind of gross?"  Just plain gross..  We tried to stay outside as much as we possibly could and you would never know by looking at these pictures how just nasty it really was.  At least we tried to have fun outside with the kids.  Enjoy the pics!

I just wanted a cute posed picture of Megan on her bike.  Every time I held up the camera she would yell, "Take a picture!" and then bike away as fast as she could... Guess she wanted them to be action shots!

Sunday we took the kids to Castle Park in hopes that this park wouldn't be underwater from all the recent rain!  This was only our second time at this park but we had fun!

Whee!!!  It was fun until he realized he was stuck!

 John and Owen have a picture in this exact swing from August of last year!


Action Shots!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Owen at One Year!

Oh what a difference I've seen in Owen in just the past couple weeks.  It's as if him turning one year old just mellowed him out.  Since his walking is almost perfected he can concentrate on other things besides worrying what he's going to fall onto.  I think that alone would make me happier too!

Before we go too much further here are Owen's stats from May 10th at his one year well check.  Looks like he's healthy!  Yeah, I can tell that Owen has been growing a lot and it is also evident by looking at the below stats.  

Height - 31 1/2 inches - 96%
Weight - 25lbs 10oz - 96%
Head Circ - 18 3/4 inches - 88%

We haven't been pushing the baby sign language and he seems to just fine without it.  If it happens, it happens but with how much he is babbling once he starts talking he will have a lot to say!  Besides uh-oh we don't really have any words yet.  But I think these are going to be some of his first words because he is making grunts that sort of sound like these: Ball, Mama, Daddy, Megan, and Hi.  

Owen's favorite things right now are balls, balloons and anything with wheels.  Doors or anything with hinges like even books are close behind.  He loves putting balls in holes and he could do this activity for a long time with very good concentration.  Same with books, he could go a long time just turning pages.  Owen is also beginning to learn how to stack objects, both big and small, and he also likes to put covers on things such as water bottles or cups.  It's so fun to watch him learn!  Oh, and his newest thing is learning that he doesn't have to hold onto objects but instead, he can throw them!  He doesn't just have to hold the tennis ball in his stroller, he can bounce it at Mommy.  He can throw clothes into the hamper himself and most importantly, he can throw balls and books down the stairs!

Because Owen is now one we can transition over to whole milk instead of formula.  Right now I've been doing bottles of half formula/half whole milk and he seems to like it just fine.  Once this canister of formula is gone I'm going to see if we can just go straight whole milk.  This should be a smooth transition but the one I always dread is weaning off the bottle.  Hopefully by the 15 month doctor checkup we will be off the bottle.

Owen is becoming quite a good eater.  He loves crackers and Cheerios as snacks but has a really good appetite at meals.  We haven't really found a meat that he won't eat and also loves beans, bananas, peaches, oranges, applesauce, yogurt, peas, green beans, asparagus, bread - the list goes on and on!  He even gave corn on the cob a try one night!  Oatmeal, eggs and noodles still aren't appealing which is odd since those were staples for Megan at this age.  You can tell by this picture that Owen owns meal times and is also adamant that each cup goes back in its spot.  I sometimes forget but he also appreciates having a fork or spoon on the tray so he can practice coordination.

I have been so much happier with Owen lately since he is finally sleeping through the night again!  Plus, since he is in a crib he can't leave and crawl into Mommy and Daddy's bed like his sister does...  It's still taking an 8-10 ounce bottle to get him to bed but he's sleeping about 11 hours straight!  Who knows if it's he's filling his belly better or maybe some teeth have moved and aren't bothering him as much but whatever it is, I'm thrilled to get whatever extra sleep I can!  Speaking of teeth, Owen must be one of the slowest teethers out there.  He still just has the three on top and three on bottom.  It has probably been four weeks ago that we noticed the fourth top tooth was coming and it is finally now just days away from cutting through.  

When you see the two kids together it's evident that they are best friends.  Owen is in awe over Megan.  He wants to do everything she does.  If she sings into the fan, he wants to try too.  If she runs down the driveway, he is trotting right after her.  If Megan is playing a game, he will play his own version of it as best he can.  No wonder they say the second children pick up on stuff so fast - they're always trying to match what their older sibling is doing!

Since turning one, Owen has become very whiny and will throw little bucks.  Not quite tantrums but enough noise that you know he is not happy.  If a favorite toy gets taken away be sure that he will let you know that he wants it back!  Also, if he sees you going outside and you're not with you will be in trouble too since Owen is a true outdoors boy.  Just as we know when he's upset we also know when he's in a good mood or in agreement with you by watching his little head bob.  Actually it's kind of like a whole body groove in agreement.

Here are a few random pictures from the past month.

Playing outside on Mother's Day.  We need lots of fun outdoor toys to keep this guy occupied!  You can't see his forehead with it being covered up, but it has a big scrape from him falling onto the cement trying to get out of our kiddie pool by himself.  Ouch!

We don't have any real parks we can walk to from our house but are blessed to have so many great ones in our town.  I have a feeling we will be going to lots and lots of parks this summer!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Owen And His Rocks...

Owen's one year post is coming soon - I promise! - but this one was faster tonight since we finally became kid-free for the evening at 9:30!

It was so hot and humid this weekend so we were outside off and on because we couldn't be comfortable anywhere.  And when it's warm outside the kids aren't happy unless they are busy outside. 

Owen was pretty busy with his green bucket and the rocks from the rock beds.  He really enjoyed picking them up and dropping them in the water.  Something that seems so simple to us is such a great learning tool for him!

This is my absolute favorite!  Look at Owen's pudgy cheeks and arms in this picture, the wrinkles at his ankles and bare little piggies... Not to mention sheer determination in his face!

I couldn't resist!  What a little Lewis boy, huh?  The only thing cuter than the chubby little arms in the above pictures is this cute little smile below :)

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Mother's Day Weekend 2013

Reflecting back to Mother's Day weekend which was a whole weekend ago already... These pictures were actually taken three weeks ago but I was so proud of myself that I actually got a couple good pictures of my two little sweethearts and I wanted to share them on my Mother's Day post!  I am so in love with these two kiddos and they are they are a perfect reason to be called Mom.  The kids got me a card (actually hand-picked by Megan herself) that said something to the affect of 'To the Mom who drives us everywhere. From the ones who drive you crazy!"  How true is that, right?  But if anyone's going to drive me crazy I would want it to be my Megan and Owen.

For my Mother's Day I ordered myself a hanging flower basket and John stocked our freezer with vanilla and chocolate Rice Dream ice cream!  Good eats for many, many nights and now many flowers on our patio too!  

We celebrated Mother's Day all last weekend.  On Saturday we were at the Lewis' side of family for a barbecue at John's parents' place.  John actually had to work and the kids did not want to stay home that morning so we left around 2 even though we weren't meeting until dinner time.  That way Owen could still nap and Megan could bike and play at Grandma and Grandpa Lewis' park!  John was able to get a 2-hour lunch break so he could see everyone.  Dinner was delicious and all the cousins had a blast playing together. Grandma and Grandpa Lewis have a couple bikes at their place for the girls to ride and Megan rode hers all around the big bike path circle twice!  She did a great job even though that bike is bigger than hers at home. Megan was also excited to take her favorite dog Keeper for a walk too!  I was impressed with how she held onto the leash even when Keeper went running!

Sunday we went to church and then had a fun time at Sunday School.  My mom and sister came with us to church but we were surprised that Owen wouldn't sit still!  John had to work again, unfortunately, so the kids and I went to my family's for lunch.  Good food and great company there too.  Owen would not sit still in his high chair during lunch and when we let him out he crawled right underneath the table to my Dad!  You'd think it was Father's Day or something and that explains why he wouldn't sit during church - he was wondering where Grandpa was! I could tell the kids were tired from the day before because Megan got really cranky when we said 'no' to going to the parks and when Owen wouldn't nap there I new it was time to leave. 

The kids fell asleep in the car on the way home and I got the best Mother's Day present from them... They let me have a 1 1/2 hour nap!!!  Wow did that feel good.  We finished the weekend with a delicious dinner, just me and the kids and then some outside park time.  

Love my kiddos and so thankful for them.  We are also so thankful for our own Mothers and Grandmas and for what great examples of mothers we have in them.  Happy (late) Mother's Day to all the moms we know!

Friday, May 17, 2013

(Finally) Friday Funnies: Pre-Mother's Day Wrap-Up

I sure am kicking myself for not getting a Friday Funnies post out last week because there is sooooo much to write about now after two weeks off!  Plus, I have several other blog post ideas forming too, so read through this one and check back later this weekend!!

I'm going to start out with a couple that John's mom told me after watching the kids the Tuesday before last.  Sorry if I messed up the stories!  I had told Valerie that Megan also had an interest in fruit rollups so she was trying to surprise Megan that Tuesday.  Megan went into the bathroom to go poop. 
When she came out Grandma Lewis said, "I have a surprise for you - a fruit rollup!" 
Megan replied, "Grandma... fruit snacks are for poop... fruit rollups are for pee...!"

Grandma and Grandpa Lewis took the kids to several parks that day also.  While taking the kids in and out of the van Valerie was not using button that would shut the door hands free.  Instead she was shutting it using the handle.  Megan thought she should be using the button and after each time she would tell Grandma to use the button and Grandma would say, "Oh, I forgot.  I will do it next time."  Finally Megan got really frustrated...
Megan:  Grandma, next time you listen to me!
Grandma (under hear breath):  Gee, I wonder where she's heard that before?
Megan (who obviously heard Grandma):  At your house!!!
The Wednesday before last was Owen's birthday.  We didn't do anything really since I couldn't take off work but the kids did come visit me at work and then we went to McDonald's for lunch!  After visiting with my co-workers a bit we took off.  Owen rode with Daddy and Megan rode with me.  She was a hoot...  Instead of leaving the building the way they came in I had to walk through the warehouse to clock out.  I didn't think Megan's been here too often but she kept saying, "No Mommy, that's the Dorsty way".  Here she was remembering that when they go to my mom's end of the building they go that way too to visit Dorothy!  I did not go to the bathroom before we left work and told Megan I had to go potty.  She replied with, "It's ok, Mommy, just hold your pee."   Then when we got to the car she was still chatty and told me that from her car seat she could see the car buttons and also my pillow.  She is going to sit on the pillow too when she learns to drive because she will be medium just like me.

At McDonald's she was intrigued by the heavy blue, mesh drapes that were tied up around the play place area.  My assumption is they could untie them and it would block off the play zone.  Megan wanted to open them up to have a fashion show and they would be like a stage!
Why do I feel like I bring up going potty a lot on these posts?... Anyways, Megan knew I went into the bathroom to do #2 one night.  She waited outside the door and told me to sing the ABC's while I went.  When she knew I was done she was so proud and said, "Good job, Mommy!  Now you get a fruit snack!"

Megan during the night after hearing Owen crying, "Mommy, Owen needs you"... or another night "Mommy, Owen can't sleep without you."  She always walks to my side of the bed to tell me the news to.  Sometimes I am glad because I'm so tired I probably wouldn't have heard him if not for her!

My husband is so funny also.  You know how he lost so much weight, right?  Well, he still has a few XXL shirts that he wears just because his entire wardrobe hasn't been cleaned out yet.  I was cleaning the bathroom one evening and he walks in with his shirt untucked from his jeans saying, "Does my body make this shirt look big?"

Megan is absolutely in love with her bike (with training wheels, of course).  And I think it's safe to say she is very close to mastering it.  A couple times she even dares to ride no hands!  By accident one time she rode onto the sloping curbs and got stuck.  The front tire and two training wheels we the only wheels touching and since the back tire was up in the air an inch or so she couldn't get anywhere when pedaling!  I made some comment like, "Now, that's a good exercise bike!" Now she rides to the curb on purpose just to work out her legs!

These pictures are from a walk we took one evening.  I was pushing the stroller and Megan was rding her bike.  I must have worked her had because she stopped and said her legs were really sore from riding bike.  She had to stretch her legs like Daddy does!

Megan and I took Owen to his one year doctor's checkup last Friday.  We always have to strip the babies down to a clean diaper for weighing and measuring.  After we got back to the exam room Megan told me she had to go potty.  The nurse agreed to stay with Owen while I went with Megan.  On the way back I see a big huddle of nurses and doctors in the hallway by our room.  Her Owen had wandered out when he noticed we were gone and was modeling his diaper for everyone!  This boy sure loves attention from the ladies!!!

I think it was last weekend where I had the kids sitting down for dinner with me at the table.  Owen is usually so good but sometimes he gets fussy and wants out.  When he does, and probably like most kids his age, he starts waving his arms and wrists.  Megan thought it was particularly funny that night and exclaimed, "Mommy, Owen's conducting!"  I think of that every time he does that now.  We've even expanded on it asking Megan what he's conducting.  She replied, "He's conducting to get louder and faster!"  Boy is she ever right about that!

Megan's told me several times that she loves our house.  But she really loves the basement at my parents' place because she can run and run and play with bigger toys.  She told my mom on Wednesday that she wants a basement at her place.  And we shouldn't worry because she has a birthday coming up and she's sure she will get one!

Me this morning:  Megan, please let me brush your hair...
Megan:  Mommy... my fingers are like a brush!

I told Megan that she could not eat a marshmallow this morning because she didn't sleep in her bed the entire night.  She could, however, pack one along for after her nap at Grandma's house.  She got a bag and asked if the marshmallows were in her own house (a.k.a. under the steps).  No, I told her they were by the bread.  When Megan found them right where I told her they were she said, "Mommy, you're a Genius!" 

Yep, you heard it.  I am a GENIUS and I think that's the perfect way to wrap up this Friday funny post.  Have a great weekend, everyone!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Owen's & John's Mickey Birthday Party!

Owen is now a whole year old (and John just turned 33!)   Because Owen's birthday is just four days after John's they will probably be sharing family birthday parties for many, many years.  I decided that the theme of Owen's 1st birthday party would be Mickey Mouse.  Not super original but he loves the show when it's on and I figure with big sister the way she is there won't as much Mickey watching in his future as she had!

The party was last Saturday and it was John's actual birthday.  I still had lots of stuff to do that morning so John gladly left with Megan to have some quality Daddy-Daughter time.  They went to Home Depot for the Kids' Workshop, went to Burger King for lunch, went to Megan's first movie theater experience and then picked up this cute Mickey balloon bouquet for Owen!

Here's the picture the Gennrich side of the family is waiting to see.  Grandpa not only sampled a couple cupcakes before the party started but he also modeled the Mickey party hats for us!  It fits you well, Grandpa!

I wanted to do something different for the meal so we had a waffle buffet!  I figured everyone, especially kids, love breakfast foods and, as coincidence would find us, my Grandma had a Mickey waffle iron!  In addition to the Mickey waffles we also had Belgian and oatmeal waffles with an assortment of toppings.  A ginormous fruit salad, scrambled eggs and Mackenthun's made breakfast sausages rounded off the buffet line.  We sure were hungry as there was not much food left!

Owen hadn't had an afternoon nap so by time presents rolled around he wasn't in the best mood.  He was excited to see this big box though!  Megan did the honors of opening the gifts and she especially loves anything in wrapping paper.  This was the first present to be opened and it was a big John Deere tractor which pretty much stopped the whole party.  Owen got a lot of other nice presents too: clothes, rocking chair, jammies, bath toys and money :)  Thank you!

We took a little time for some candid photos after presents were over.  Here is a cousin pile-up on the couch!!

The birthday boys!

Owen showing off his new rocking chair!  I guess this next year is really going to "rock" for him...

And we tried to get a new family picture.  It's harder than you'd think to get four people looking and smiling at the same time!

Finally, the moment we all were waiting for!  Owen's smash cake time!!  A big shout out to Grandma Lewis for making this Pluto cake for Owen to demolish.  Marshmallows for the nose and eyes and fruit rollups, frosted for the ears, and plain for the tongue.  I love it!!!  Owen loved playing with it, not so much the frosting or cake.  He got fussy towards the end and we gave him his pacifier but he wouldn't even take that after he got it covered in frosting.

I made cupcakes but John had requested a DQ ice cream blizzard cake.  Needless-to-say we had a lot of desserts!!

What a fun party!  Thank you to all who were able to join in the fun!  Let's do it again next year!