
Monday, March 10, 2014

Queen of the Hill

Needless-to-say, this hasn't been a great winter for kids getting outside.  I've only taken the kids outside a handful of times this winter because of all the cold and then just nothing to really do outside.  If we would go to the backyard to play Megan's boots would come off with every step just with how deep it is.  

These first few pictures are from two weeks ago when she and I went outside to play during Owen's nap on a fairly nice day.  A discovered that we could use our inclined driveway and low-trafficked street to our advantage by turning the driveway into a sledding hill!!!  Since there was still snow on the driveway and street it worked just perfectly.  And yes, I looked both ways before pushing her down.  Also some benefits to living in a cul de sac!

There was so much snow and it was just calling Megan's name for her to climb in.

And up she goes.... Queen of the Hill!!!

Then the other side called her to just make one snow angel.... And then another one...

Before Megan knew it, she was being swallowed up by the amount of snow in the front yard.  Both boots had come off and mittens close behind that.  It took a great deal of effort to get her convinced to listen to me.  I had to eventually tie the sled to the shovel and have her climb on to pull her out.  Whew!  That deserved a warm bath and cocoa for sure!

Yesterday it was very nice too.  The snow was melting and sun shining!  The kids are just itching to get outside so we burned a little energy right before lunch.  I still put the now pants on them because of the melting snow but otherwise they would not have needed them!

I never thought I would actually be shoveling snow onto the driveway but I didn't want to ruin the sled and Megan was determined to go sledding.  I put a big pile at the bottom so she wouldn't slide onto the bare street.

Owen only wanted to go down twice but he still had fun!

But I think he enjoyed the shovel more.  I would have liked for him to have his mittens on but they slow his little fingers down and he can't get much accomplished with them on.

I had to keep a close eye on Megan... Every time I looked she was face into this pile of snow.  I told her not to eat it and she told me to just not look!

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