
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Turn, Baby, Turn!

A routine check at pregnancy wek 36 is to check which way the baby is laying in the belly. Since my doctor wasn't able to tell anything by feeling cervix at my OB visit yesterday, she had to grab the ultrasound machine to find out. I told her there had always been a hard lump on my right side and when she looked at that lump via the ultrasound machine she confirmed that that lump was truly the head. We looked where the head is supposed to be and saw everything else - bottom, legs, umbilical cord...

Since the baby can't come out feet first, I next had to meet with Dr. Meath, an OB-Gyn at the clinic. She told me that we could either schedule a c-section or try to turn the baby. Since our preference is a vaginal delivery, we setup an appointment for next Thursday morning to try and turn the breeched Bib. We have to go to Labor & Delivery in the hospital and I get hooked up to the IV, have a couple shots of relaxation medicine and everything! Although Dr. Meath has never had it happen, there is a chance that when trying to manipulate the baby into the correct position it can start having complications and I'd have to get rushed off to have an emergency c-section, thus the IV. She's hoping for an easy turn since the baby's head is at my side and only has to get rotated to the bottom.

When I got home I looked online to try and find out how many pregnancies are breech. 3%! Leave it to our baby to try and figure things out for itself and not follow the rules! I think this baby is going to be a stubborn German baby after all (and a lot like it's mama). I am just hoping that everything turns like it's supposed to and there are no complications. I also hope that if the doctors are successful at turning Bib, that Bib stays in that position and is able to be delivered normally.

I guess this would explain why co-workers keep asking me if I get a lot of kicks in my rib cage, huh? Because the baby's feet aren't there! I have been feeling a lot of movement at the very bottom of the belly instead. I will get a whole new kicking experience if and when this baby gets turned around.

Other than all this, my 36 week visit was fine. Baby's heartbeat was 150, I didn't gain any weight since last week but the baby's still growing, and my blood pressure was 98/62.

1 comment:

  1. auhhh Karen that sucks. I hope baby will turn on its own!!! Hopefully next week when you go in it will be right and they won't have to turn it cause I've heard that is not fun. Good Luck keep me posted!!!


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