
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Owen at 15 Months!

Gee, I waited until Owen had his 15 month checkup to write this 15 month update and realized we're halfway through this month already!  It was pretty cute when the doctor came into the exam room yesterday and she took one look at Owen and asked what month checkup we were doing again.  He is just one big guy as you can see below.  I compared these stats with his one year's and he grew two inches and gained a pound and a half since then!  But all in all, right in like with where he should be.

Height - 33 1/2 inches - 99%
Weight - 27lbs 2oz - 94%
Head Circ - 18 3/4 inches - 71%

Thank goodness Owen can walk because my back would be extremely sore if I had to carry him around more than I already do.  He is an excellent walker and practically running, in fact.  He tries to keep up with his big sister in so many ways - speed of walking, climbing, jumping on beds, pushing the handicap buttons to open building doors and pushing things around like strollers!

I did it and got Owen off the bottle.  We've been on fast flowing sippy cups or straw cups for close to a month - Heaven forbid if you give him a cup where you have to work to get anything out.  Owen continues to have a great appetite loving meat, broccoli, hot dish, pasta, yogurt, grapes, he even ate a few brussel sprouts the other day!  He also knows that sometimes the food at the table is hot and needs to be blown off before putting it in his mouth.  Definitely one of the cutest things he's doing right now.

Owen's vocabulary is off to a great start.  He really didn't take to the sign language but he does just fine with pointing to what he wants and being insistent on it.  Words he can say are: Mom, Dad, Papa, more, that, hi, bye, ball, cheese (when taking pictures), fish (as in the goldfish crackers), shoes.  I'm sure I will have a lot more to add to the list next month!  Owen loves to make car and tractor noises too - just a typical little boy!

Owen is definitely understanding a lot of what we say which goes hand in hand with his good vocabulary.  I tell him to go get his shoes and he comes back with the pair, trying to get them on his feet.  He is getting better at laying down for diaper changes once I tell him diaper.  I even got him to put the plates and forks on the table for me one night.  Guess he knows the household routines!

We have a new bedtime routine since weaning from the bottle.  There is no more rocking to sleep.  We read a couple books and cuddle while eating animal crackers and drinking milk but that is it.  It took a few nights of Owen crying but he caught on quickly and is doing well with it.

Owen got his top two 1-year molars on the 28th of last month and a couple weeks ago got his bottom left one.  The bottom right molar is a stinker and is taking its time to cut through.  I hope it's soon because Owen has been a drooling machine for the past couple months!

Owen's motor skills are developing too.  Owen is pouring water from cup to cup in the bathtub.  He is clapping to the song If You're Happy And You Know It.  He is giving high 5's.  He is playing peek-a-boo - or as far as Megan's concerned, playing along to "What's Missing".  If you're on your knees and touch your shoulders there's a good chance he'll even try to climb onto your back for a horsey ride - he just doesn't get the concept of holding on yet, so watch out!  Oh, and of course he is liking to play on my computer.  He'll climb up onto the bench, wiggle the mouse and press all the buttons - unfortunately, that includes the power button.

Owen loves to sit in the driver's seat of the car to play with the keys and buttons.  Megan was the same way at this age but does he ever throw a buck if he doesn't get his way!  He does a good job riding in the car but we're finding he would much rather look out the window than sleep during the drive.  He has to be really tired in order to doze off.

I still love it when Owen comes to sit on my lap to read a book - he is all boy but still has a sensitive side!  One other thing we've discovered lately is Owen likes to sit down at Megan's desk and mark in her coloring books with crayons.  Since she isn't really an artsy kid she doesn't even mind him doing that!

One last thing.  Owen's becoming very giggly lately.  Want to hear him squeal?  Just bonk your head with a hard object and scream "Oh".  He thinks it's a riot!

Oh, and of course pictures!  Enjoy!

Where's Owen?!?

I wish you would look at the camera... but still sweet.

And fun in a the bounce house last weekend!

Beep... There's my button!!!

Go, Owen, Go!!

Here's our big boy at his checkup yesterday!!

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