
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hump Day Funnies: Into April

Hey everyone!  You're probably like us at our house wondering where spring is.  Hopefully this snowy weather is just one last winter hurrah so we can get on with spring.  We want t-shirt and biking weather over here!  While we wait for spring, enjoy Megan's funnies from the past couple weeks.

Mommy: Megan, can I call you Sweetie-Pie?
Megan:  No. Call me Megan. That's my name!

When going to the bathroom one time Megan exclaimed that she used all the toilet paper since she has a Big Butt!  She's said it several times after that as well but I'm pretty sure hers is one of the tiniest butts around!

Downstairs one morning Megan freaked out because Owen was watching her show.  She said, "Owen, no watcha my TV."  I tried to tell her that the TV was really Mommy and Daddy's.  To that she said, "Mommy and Daddy's TV is in Mommy and Daddy's room.  This is Megan's TV."  I asked her where Owen's TV was.  "Oh, he can share mine."  Problem solved!

I admit I do not save every piece of artwork that Megan has done.  I maybe should be saving more but I have no regrets with what I've let go.  This weekend I threw a whole pile away and soon after Megan came to the kitchen to throw something else in the garbage.  She asked why I was throwing my pictures away.  I told her I was sorry and they probably accidentally fell in and asked if I should take them out.  She said, "No, leave them in.  Then Owen can't get them."  Makes sense to me, huh?

Owen's new thing is handing objects to people.  Sunday he was trying to give the blu-ray remote control to Megan while she was watching a TV program.  Not playing along at all she said, "No, Owen.  I don't want it either!"

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