
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Friday Funnies - October Wrap-Up

I haven't done the funnies for a few weeks so here are a few quick things that came to mind when putting this update together.

I rode in the back seat with the kids a couple times recently while Megan played games on my phone.  I tried to look over her shoulder to watch what she was doing.  Megan must not have liked it much because she said, "Mom, look at the trees."  She wanted me to look out the window and leave her alone.

We pulled into my parents' driveway one morning and the lawn was covered with fallen leaves.  Megan was amazed and quickly asked, "Is Papa going to move the leaves?"

Leaving my parents' that night they both waved to us from the driveway as we drove away.  Megan must have had a good time playing with them because she said, "Now Grandma and Grandpa are going to go play blocks!"

Megan wanted to bake a cake a couple weeks ago since she remembered Alexa's birthday is coming up.  We got everything mixed up (from scratch of course) and baked while Owen napped with only one minor incident.  As I was taking the butter out of the microwave the bowl slipped out of my hands and I spilled the melted butter on my clothes and rug.  Megan was so sweet as she just said, "It's ok, Mommy.  I make messes all the time!"  What a sweetheart!

Megan had been on a banana bread kick the past week or so.  I'd take a loaf of frozen bread and cut one slice off and then cut that into cubes for a healthy snack.  Well, we ran out and she wanted banana bread real bad one night before bed.  Here was Megan rummaging through the kitchen pulling out bowls and spoons at 9:30 that night saying, "Mommy, make banana bread right now."  She even had a little foot stomp in there.  Boy, was I in trouble for not having any banana bread on hand for her!

Megan:  Mommy, no sing... You'll wake Owen.
Why in the world is she so concerned lately with this?  Pretty sure that the screaming she did minutes after she told me this would have a greater chance of waking him than my singing!

I was filling up Megan's water cup in the bathroom sink before bed one night.  I only put a little in but Megan wanted it taller, taller, taller!

I was making deviled eggs for a work potluck on Tuesday night multi-tasking with making dinner.  I had all the eggs peeled and on a tray.  I told Megan to help me finish up dinner and she thought we should use the eggs to make waffles so she pulled the tray off the counter and eggs went everywhere.  Meanwhile, I had told Megan and John to watch Owen, who was sitting unharnessed in his car seat, while I was working on dinner.  Well, they didn't and before I knew it I not only had eggs all over the floor but a little guy rolling around on the hardwood floor!

While trick-or-treating, my dad wanted to carry Megan's candy bucket since it was getting so heavy.  I think Megan was onto his alterior motive because she got a little anxious every time he touched it.  One time when he gave the bucket back to her she had to say, "Grandpa, put the candy back!"  Yup, he had snuck a few Snickers bars into his pocket and got BUSTED!!

My parents were awesome to watch our kids again last night and they had tons of fun.  But as they were leaving there were plenty of kisses being blown back and forth between Megan and her grandparents.  Megan blew a kiss and Grandpa caught it in his hat.  Megan went over to the hat, looked inside, picked up the imaginary kiss and threw it on the floor!  What love!!  Don't worry, she gave him one of her imaginary snakes in return.

Just so Megan isn't the only one making the funnies this week, we have a couple of Owen pictures to share.  Of course we had to let him try out parts of our Halloween costumes before we could wear them!


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