
Monday, November 7, 2011

Oh Baby!

John and I are happy to announce that we will be parents again this spring.  And that will make Megan a big sister!  Many of you have already heard the big news but wanted to finally get something up here on the blog.  This baby is due on May 1st and I am about 15 weeks along now, so into the second trimester.

Here's an early ultrasound done of our little peanut back on October 12, about 11 1/2 weeks.  I believe it measured about 44 cm at that time and also had a rapid heartrate of 177.  When I went in for the doctor appointment I was told that the heartbeat was right on track but I felt a little "generous".  They concluded that I felt a little large simply because it was my second pregnancy - as you can see, there's just one little nugget in there!

All seems to be going fine with the baby.  It's just Mommy that has had a rough couple months.  It started off just fine.  Right after Labor Day was when I started to have symptoms and it was mostly that I wanted to eat anything and everything in sight - I was so hungry!  As time went on, I have still been pretty hungry but there is absolutely nothing that looks good to eat.  Smells of foods bother me and if the food has the wrong texture, there is no way it's going down.  It's because of me not eating much that I've been throwing up much more - about twice a week.  Hopefully, since I'm into the seconnd trimester, all of that will soon be done.  Taking Benadryl every 4-6 hours seems to help but is by no means a cure.

I had a good six weeks where I hadn't gone to Target, gone grocery shopping, clipped coupons or really did much around the house.  John has been wonderful and very patient with me.  He is even sacrificing eating nice meals to eat whatever I can manage to put down which often means a lot of breakfast foods for dinner.

John and I always chuckle when we remember who the first person was to find out that we were expecting.  We had found out on a Thursday and then at church on Sunday I opted for the juice instead of the wine at communion.  After church we were talking with some friends still in the sanctuary when Pastor Phil walks up to us and says that he "assumes we have another one on the way!"  I think I turned about five shades of red as we hadn't even told our parents yet! 

The rest is history and we are so excited to welcome a new baby into the world this spring.  Oh, and I have been working really hard on trying to get this one red hair too as it seems the foods that agree best with me are the ones orange and red in color! 


  1. Congratulations!!!! So happy for you guys and excited to be an auntie again!!!

  2. Congrats you guys! What great news! I hope you feel better's SO hard to be sick. ugh. I remember with Sam I couldn't stand to watch food commercials. Silly now, but at the time.

    It's true about being bigger the second time around so don't worry about that. Enjoy it - May will be here before you know it!

    Now I'm going to think of you at communion all the time. :) Now that we go to a church that serves wine I would stress about having to ask for the juice each time but eventually figured out that I needed to wait until the server finished what he needed to say and THEN ask if I could trade for the juice. They would get so mixed up if I didn't take the wine and asked for the juice. And now that I'm nursing....I don't bother them with asking for the juice, I just go spit it out in the sink after I've been served. If only I could get the pastor each week I could tell him that I don't want wine when I'm nursing, but it's always a different elder. Oh well!

    Can't wait to meet the newest Lewis!!!

  3. Congrats Karen & John! I'm so happy for you guys again. I'm glad I got to see you last week and that you were able to tell us in person!
    Also - a side note, when I was pregnant with Bennett I asked my doctor about the communion wine and she said that that little bit won't hurt the baby in any way. I many times opted for the grape juice instead too but, I felt ok taking the regular wine too since it is such a little sip.
    Hoping that these next months with the Holiday's coming up aren't too stressful or draining on you. Get your rest :-)


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