The weather was gorgeous on Sunday so a great day to be outside. A little hot under the tent and a little pricey over all for this low-budget circus but that didn't matter to the girls. I don't have too much to say since I wasn't there but here are some of my favorite pictures that I found on John's iPhone.
It was a small petting zoo with animals with just goats, llamas, a hippo, and donkeys. The girls enjoyed feeding the animals as they always do.
No circus is complete without clowns and an elephant ride!
Time for the show to start!
Yes, Patrick was "that guy" that who got to go into the ring, be blindfolded, and thrown knives at! I guess someone went up closer to pop the balloons by hand so he really wasn't in any great danger.
Then some more circus acts. I think Megan enjoyed it. Although she didn't say much after she got home I will get little snippets of the show little by little. In fact, tonight she told me that at the circus she saw dogs walking on just their back legs!
Ahhhh I wondered...I was in NYA on Sunday evening and saw this big tent (which looked like a circus tent) but I hadn't heard anything of it and thought to myself, 'now why would a circus be in NYA?'. Guess I was right.