My absolute favorite part about Owen right now is how he always wants to sit on laps or sit down with toys. He'll spot something that catches his eye, pick it up and then turn to sit. If I'm standing behind him he still will squat as if to tell me to park it because he wants a place to sit! My second favorite part about Owen right now is how he will use adults to get what he wants. If I am holding him and he wants the banana on the counter he will turn my head so I see it, point to it and grunt, when I'm close enough he'll pick it up and hand it to me. One way or another he will get his way I guess!
Owen continues to be a jabber box. It sounds like he is saying: Hi, Bye, Buh-bye, Daddy, Mommy, Dog, That, Ball. A lot of them aren't that clear but he knows what they are. One word that he recognizes out of our mouths is "Go". If we say that in the morning he is by the garage door in no time! You can really tell when he's anxious to get going because he'll try to put his own shoes on! This kid knows the routine!
Owen's mobility has increased so much this last month. He is noticeably better about walking around objects on the floor and there aren't as many little spills. He can climb onto the couch and weasel his way up onto chairs. He wants to step up stairs when we're holding his hands like a big boy and then go down forward too. And the most shocking one was when Owen pretty much mounted Megan's big girl bike all by himself. I was guiding him a little but he swung his leg over the seat like a pro!
I hate to mention it but Owen's molars are starting to come in. We didn't realize it right away but we had a few weeks of throw ups every other day. I started to think he might have a dairy allergy (I did when I was a baby) and we switched him to goat's milk for a week or so. I quickly remembered that other times when he had been teething he had spit ups too. Molars are so much more painful and nauseating we just had some really big vomits! Gross, but they have ceased and we're just back to normal teething symptoms. But Owen, being the slow teether that he is, will have a couple more weeks of uncomfortableness before those molars cut through, I'm afraid... He's been a good sport so far and hopefully he continues to sleep well through the night!
Owen has been copying me a bit lately as well. For instance, one of my favorite things to do is pick the ickies out of Owen's nose. Well, Owen learned that he could also try to dig in my nostrils. I'm not a big fan of that. Then... a couple weeks ago after a bath I let Owen run around in the buff for awhile. He never pees but he did that night, right by their changing table. I ran to get a rag to wipe up the puddle on the carpet. What did Owen do? He reached into the wipe tub and grabbed a handful of wipes and started cleaning up with me!
Owen still loves food, in particular fruit and meet. The only meat he won't eat is taco but he will gobble up brats, hot dogs, chicken, hamburger hotdish, spaghetti... Oranges are his favorite fruit and literally could eat an entire one at a single session. No, Owen has not been weaned off the bottle yet... teething doesn't make that very easy... neither does a busy mama.
Owen's hair is finally starting to come in. John had a little fun with Owen on Fourth of July and gave him his first mowhawk! It didn't last much more than a couple hours but still fun. It will be interesting to see Owen with hair eventually and experiment styling it!
Enjoy a few more pictures of Owen through the past month!
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