We have Megan wearing Pull-ups or slip-on diapers during the day and nighttime diapers for bed. And I don't know why but she also seems to get more diaper rashes lately. Not to the point of UTI but the diapers we switched to must not keep as much moisture away from the skin as her Cruisers did. I am soooo ready for only buying diapers for one child at this point!!
Technically, Megan has gone #2 on the potty but just by accident when she was trying to push out extra pee. She still prefers to poop in her diaper while standing in a corner or a closet. As for pee, we could put her on the toilet 10 times a day and have her go every time but sometimes she will still be wet between attempts. Other times she could be dry for close to two hours! I just keep reminding her to "save her pee for the potty".
Through the last few months we've been trying to keep the potty training exciting. We got fancy new toilet seats for the normal toilets that have fold-down inserts into the lid. Since that was plain white we let Megan decorate it with stickers so she'd have something to look at. We would give her potty M&M's. We brought fun books into both bathrooms to read while on the job. Megan personalized a kitchen timer with tiny stickers to time out potty breaks. And our last attempt was to give her coins for church if she would go potty - that one didn't go over at all... For a while Megan kept telling us that she was going to help Alexa learn how to do potty breaks. She probably thinks she's an expert by now and doesn't need any practice! That or just plain bored with the process.
Since Megan is such an independent personality, I think she is enjoying the fact that I am often preoccupied with Owen in conjunction to herself being pretty self-sufficient. There is too much fun to be had to stop and worry about going potty!
I did feel a little more encouraged when I read on Huggies' website that it's normal for potty training to stall. Even my new chiropractor said that his second son had no interest in it for a while and one day it just clicked. I guess we'll just keep plugging away at it and wait for that to happen!
Just to make you feel alittler better...Bennett was much better at going potty w/ my mom or sister than with Mike or me. It was that way for a LONG time. It was a struggle with us too for awhile but all of a sudden he just kinda got it and has been perfect since then! It's a ton more laundry but have you tried training pants or girls underwear instead of the pull-ups? We did that for awhile - kinda switched it up between underwear and pull-ups. Partially so I didn't have to buy so many pull-ups but also so he would actually feel himself being wet. Good luck to you and Megan! Hopefully it'll click really soon!