I was lucky to get Owen in a few days before he turned four months for his next checkup. Here is how he measured up last week Wednesday:
Height - 26 1/4 inches - 92%
Weight - 16lbs 1oz - 75%
Head Circ - 16 3/4 inches - 60%
I looked back to his two month numbers and the percentages are almost identical. And then I compared these to Megan's at her four month visit. The percentages for height and weight were exactly flip-flopped - she favored the short and heavy side while Owen is long and lean - our original observations were correct!
The main reason I was so happy to get Owen in to the doctor's was to get the go ahead to begin feeding solids. We had to tap into my frozen supply of milk since he continued eating over 36 ounces of milk every day and I simply can't keep up. Plus, I think Owen maybe slept through the night twice the last month and when he would wake it would require a full bottle to get him back down. Sure is a hungry boy! As for liquids, Owen still has only had breastmilk. When the frozen supply is over we will have to start adding in some formula which I think he will adjust to just fine. Otherwise I will just continue to pump until the end of October - whichever comes first.
The doctor did give us the go ahead to begin solids so after his checkup we headed to Target to stock up on baby cereal and some first baby food! We've been giving cereal and sometimes bananas to him almost every day and it's kind of hit or miss. He seems a little gassier after adding in the food and his poo has been a little different texture and of course, instantly more potent. I started off with making the cereal extremely runny so it was just like eating milk off of a spoon. He actually thought that was pretty fun but as it's gotten thicker I'm not sure what he thinks! We'll keep trying and he'll catch on in no time. Since beginning solids Owen has been sleeping a little better - just keeping my fingers crossed.
Owen's mouth seems to be a leaky ending faucet lately! He is a real drool tool! His fingers continue to be in his mouth constantly. I used to think he was digging for teeth but it's been quite some time now and hopefully if that is the case they'll show up soon! Owen's actually been sucking on his thumb a lot too and maybe he'll end up being a thumb sucker yet... The other thing he started doing with his mouth is blowing bubbles or blueberries. Of course it had to start as soon as we began solids. I think Mommy is going to need a bib too!
Besides getting Owen used to solids, my next big challenge is getting Owen weaned off of being swaddled when he sleeps and also weaning off of the naps in the bouncy seat. The latter has actually been ok but we have a long way to with the swaddling. He sure is my little swaddle baby and perhaps it's because of how tight he was in the womb but I think it's time he learns how to sleep even is his arms wiggle free! When he gets tired and fussy his arms start waving all around and we just need something to hold them still!
Last Satrday John and I witnessed Owen's first giggle! I can't wait to hear more of them soon and I hope he shares Megan's sense of humor!
Other things... Owen sure likes to have his family and others near him. I actually think he gets jealous when people aren't paying attention to him. Owen loves to see other's eyes and faces to watch changing expressions and smiles! He loves to sit up and look around much more than just laying around. We also let him sit in the Bumbo seat every day to help work on sitting up. Owen's other favorite thing to do now is to go outside. He definitely is going to be an outdoors guy who loves the fresh air.
First cereal attempts!
I love my highchair! Now bring me some food!
Change me!!!!!
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