Megan turned seven months last Thursday night. Our baby girl is changing daily. I can't believe how fast she's progressing. We are so proud of her and are having so much fun... minus the teething! I'd like to share some of the recent things Megan's doing and how she's changed.
Megan has really been babbling a lot. She is quite the talker. Using just a little imagination, it sounds like she is saying real words. Our favorite thing is when she says, "Hi, Dada!"
Megan mastered the art of crawling and is on to pulling-up and standing-up. She can pull up on and stand against almost everything. She is perfecting both getting up to standing position and getting back down to the floor. With as much repetition as she's giving this task, she'll be a pro soon. It's cute when she grabs something from the ottoman with both hands and stands on her own for a couple brief seconds before plopping onto her bottom. Those diapers do make a nice cushy landing! Megan seems to be quite the daredevil (and a lot like John when he was little, so I'm told). She just needs her hips and lower body to get a little more muscle and set into place and I have a feeling she'll be cruisng aroun furniture in no time. She already likes to pull up against her piano and use it as a walker. She will actually go across the area rug that way.
We are in teething season again. Megan's number five came last Wednesday which was her next upper-left tooth. Her nose is still running and she is very whiny so I know at least one more is on its way. Don't ask me which one since she won't let us anywhere near her mouth. In fact, I finally saw her three top teeth for the first time tonight. Since we can't get in her mouth, forget about Orajel. Kristin, thanks for mentioning those teething tablets. They have been a lifesaver. Without them I probably wouldn't have gotten any sleep this weekend! Since Megan's first five teeth seemed to come in with minor symptoms I'm led to believe that more than one are coming, just don't know which ones. I can't imagine what this must feel like for her. They have to come in sooner or later so let's just get it over with, right?
I said before that she is standing an also enjoys standing in the crib. Her new favorite is standing in the crib and shaking the railing. John and I discovered last weekend that she is using the railing as a teether. I think it looks like a beaver attacked her crib. We just got a plastic cover for the rail so hopefully that will help both her teeth and the crib!
Megan has moved on from just touching her bottom teeth with her tongue to actually licking her chin. She thinks it's pretty cool to stick her tongue out as far as it goes. John says she has my tongue since his doesn't quite reach down that far.
Megan's appetite is still hearty. However, we discovered that she now prefers the formula over mama-juice. I was more worried about her having a bad reaction to the formula and not liking the taste. I never thought she would stop liking the breastmilk altogether. I have a lot in the freezer still so maybe I'll have to try mixing that with her cereal or something. We're also finding that the iron in the formula is making her a little constipated so we're giving her prune juice every day to prevent her from getting too plugged up.
That is about everything so far. Definitely no dull days around here or for those of you who help watch Megan throughout the week.
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