My poor Owen.... I can't believe it's been four months since his last update! Wow, how he's changed since then. I definitely have no shortage of things to write about now but I do regret not having monthly updates for his memory. Sorry Buddy, but here it goes... Here's what you're doing at 22 months old!
Owen is such a wonderful little boy. I can honestly say I couldn't ask for a better son - I never knew a little boy would be so much fun. But... he is just starting to get his terrible two's and will throw fits when he doesn't get his way. Not cool since he is almost stronger than Mommy when I'm trying to change clothes or get in a car seat or high chair. However, those times are much outweighed by how lovey and cuddly he is the rest of the day.
My favorite is bedtime. Not because then he's out of our hair... ok, that may be partly why... but I love our cuddle time. First, Owen LOVES to brush his teeth and we need to do that every night. Then we get to cuddle in the rocking chair in his room and read a selection of books with a cup of milk. Books are something that we enjoy together and lately Owen's really been into Dr. Seuss books (ABC Book, Tooth Book, Apples Up on Top, Mr. Brown Can Moo and Go, Dog, Go are just a few), as well Goldilocks and the Three Bears, construction books, 5 Little Monkeys to name a few. I am no longer allowed to choose the books as Owen already has his mind made up on which books we will read. Sometimes I show him about 20 books getting an "uh-uh" answer before getting an "uh-huh!" response. But after the books are read we turn out the light together, put on the nightlight and take a peek outside. He lays down in his crib by himself and rarely do I have to let him cry. Very easy as long as I can please him with the books! And even through the night he rarely, if ever, wakes up before morning. Great news since the kids' bedrooms are downstairs!
Owen had always loved food but for a good month or so all we could get him to take in was milk. Then we had a week of occasional throw-ups and put two and two together and figured out that he must be teething! Bingo - about two months ago I discovered that his bottom right 2-year molar had erupted. Now the two year molar areas on his left side, both top and bottom, are pretty translucent so these others are right behind! Plus, he has bad diaper rash so it's likely just a matter of days before we have a couple more teeth. More good news is Owen's starting to eat food again! He has a sweet tooth for Hershey Kisses and fruit snacks but also likes the normal kid stuff. One night at dinner he was pointing to his rice and corn and then to his spoon to get me to feed him after he inhaled a bunch of chicken breast pieces. I will gladly feed him if it means he's eating! (Plus, that is a tough thing for a kid to feed himself.)
He has such a great memory and knows exactly what he wants and then tries to make sure we understand his request. He is very persistent, in fact. I hear lots of "Mama, uh-oh" when he's pointing to things and he will continue until I interpret what he's trying to say. I love that he wants us to understand him! I get lots of uh-ohs when things are missing from where they need to be or sometimes if things are out of place. Owen also knows how to get what he wants. And another cute thing is when Owen wants us to follow him he will take our hands and lead us exactly where he wants us to go. Sometimes he will take our hand and actually put it on the thing he wants. We do a lot of hand holding which is just fine!
Owen's vocabulary broadens each day. He still isn't putting many, if any, words together in a row but each day it seems like a new word is flying out of his mouth (or maybe it's just the sound effects that he's experimenting with). Here are some recent words: uh-oh, bye-bye, more, juice, shoes, waffle (wah-wuff), please, thank you, dirt, that, bird, hot, duck, bath, me, I, oooh. But his vocabulary is by no means limited to this list. And then for sound effects - he likes to copy whatever sounds his big sister is making, sounds from shows or imitate toys - you know, like the back-up beep on his tractors! Monkey sounds are also extremely popular. He uses "oooh" whenever we're making a big deal of something Megan has done or is wearing and he wants to feel equally included. We have to then acknowledge something of his as pretty too!
Owen is trying to sing as well. He will sing the chorus of Jesus Loves Me (can say "Bible" and "so"), loves to do the ABC's as well as the Doc McStuffins theme song. It won't take too long and he'll be doing the songs in entirety!
We are not even close to thinking about potty training Owen but he is really enjoying sitting on the potty. He tries to pull down his pants and pull his diaper off and then asks me to help him. I put him on our awesome potty seat on the toilet and he likes to practice wiping front and back. On February 3rd he actually made pee in the potty. You can imagine how proud of himself he was! I was just about to take him off when I noticed a little dribble. I let him sit a little while longer and all of a sudden it came out! Way to go! Owen also likes to zip up his sleepers and take off his coat, hat and mittens when coming in from outside. Such big boy things!
We cannot go to Target or Mackenthun's anymore without Owen pointing to the Caterpillar equipment and exclaiming, "Papa"!! What a good memory this kid has and he's only been to Grandpa's shop a handful of times but still relates Papa with heavy machinery! Owen is a typical little boy and loves trains, tractors, farm stuff - you name it! He also has a soft side, however, and likes to play with anything in Megan's room. Maybe because he's always seen that stuff from when he was a baby. Or maybe it's just because it's his sister's stuff! Owen definitely knows how to get on Megan's bad side... They are constantly fighting over toys. One of these days I'm just going to let them go at it and see who wins! Owen does know that if he sits on little things Megan usually doesn't go after them so I think it's cute he figured that out!
Now for a couple fun pictures! This first one was taken over a month ago when we were doing Valentine pictures and is one of my favorites!
Owen is crazy about his Grandpas.... even Great Grandpa!
So many differences between my kiddos and this is one of them. Owen loves these shape toys. His sister could care less but just goes to show how all kids are different. We have several different variations of this type of toy and it's something he goes to quite frequently.
Stacking things is almost as good as shape toys!
It's hard to tell but Owen is in the process of peeling an orange here. For awhile he used peeling little oranges as a coping mechanism. When he got upset he had to peel a halo to relieve some stress. He didn't often eat them, just liked to peel.
I love this picture! Is it symbolic that no matter how much they fight Owen will always come out victorious? We will never know!
And then these pictures came out of the same night of playing.... Owen makes a beautiful princess, don't you think?
My little helper! He helped me wash all of the air grates last month and enjoyed helping me wash the sliding door track as well!
Owen LOVES being outside... He is actually breaking my heart lately because he keeps saying "bye-bye, bye-bye" and wants to go out so bad! As soon as we go in he wants to go back out again. Someone is ready for spring!
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