At last, the much anticipated day was here! It was time for Megan to start Preschool!!! You have NO idea how much she had been looking forward to this. Although, I think she is a little surprised that she is going as often as she is. She goes Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8:30-11:00. Typically Tuesdays she will go to the Waconia Christian Child Care Center (WCCCC) and hopefully John won't have to work most Thursdays so he can do drop-off and pick-up duties.
Megan was up late the night before so we made a little preschool sign that she decorated herself. Minnie backpack on and she was ready to go!! Unfortunately the sign did not come back home with me - Megan decided to give it to her teacher! I'm starting to notice that with Megan - she won't do an art project unless she has an end plan for it - it has to be for someone... (the second day of childcare she gave an art project to that teacher instead of bringing it home :) )
Waiting for the classroom door to open up!
First thing the children do when they get in is have circle time. For the first few days the kids will find where a picture of them is placed and sit there. Looks Megan is really enthused about story-time, huh?
I'm assuming class went well but I didn't hear much about it from her. I'm sure after a few weeks she will open up more. After childcare she came home with a report card from her 5 hours there. She cleaned her plate (pizza, peaches, green beans... not too surprised), rested quietly during nap time, and had very good table manners. Way to go, Megan!
We both learned a few things after the first day of school that will help us out in the days going forward. Megan wants to wear running shoes to school so sand doesn't get in her shoes at the playground. I'm going to try and get her to go p**p at home before class so she doesn't have to worry about wiping at school :). She told me she wants to bring a pillow and blanket along to use during nap time like other kids have. I'm sure we'll learn more things as time goes on.
For the record - no tears were shed and she was really not that disappointed about not riding the bus. Whew!
And here is Megan the morning of preschool ripping apart the last link to her preschool countdown chain!! Hooray! No looking back now!!