Owen likes to wake Megan up and was crawling for her bed one morning to do so. Megan, still half asleep, saw him coming and immediately said, "Here comes trouble..." Grandpa Lewis, we know she got this from you!
Great Grandma Gennrich had given Megan two larger sized Hershey's kisses when we visited their place. The next morning she ate one. Then later that night she asked where the candy was. I couldn't remember which candy she was talking about and she kept asking me if I threw it away. I asked her what it looked like and she put the tip of her pointer fingers and thumbs together and said, "It looked like a triangle." I guess she was right... and she did get the kiss!
So when Alexa was over all three kids shared a bath. They were having fun dumping water on each other's heads but Megan had a big discovery. As she dumped water over Alexa's head Megan called out, "Alexa's hair turned black!"
Sunday after church (still with Alexa over) we took the kids to the grocery store to get fixings for sandwiches and a few other groceries. The carts at Mackenthun's have a big car that sits two kids on the front. Do you think they could share? No, both girls insisted on their own car even though they were exactly the same. Not to cause commotion, John let them both have their own. I had already gone in to look at produce and the next thing I see is John pushing two carts side by side through the big double doors. I was talking with one of my high school teachers at the time and she just cracked up and hoped we didn't have to do our entire grocery shopping with the kids!
Last Wednesday night my brother Kevin had to give a presentation at Tria. My parents were going so we told Megan that we had to leave Grandma and Grandpa's place early so they could go to Uncle Kevin's speech. You know what Megan heard? Uncle Kevin's beach. I did not hear the end of it for days. The next morning Megan was wondering if he was going to be riding a surf board. And if there would be a waterfall. And to watch out for the whales because it might swallow him and whales are only supposed to swallow Jesus. What an imagination!
Last week Monday we had another big snow day. My dad graciously offered to drive the kids in to the other grandparents' place so I could go straight to work. I told Megan that Papa would drive because the roads were bad. As we left our place headed for YA she told me that the roads were just fine... just a little muddy. She thought it was hilarious when I pulled into their garage and compared sizes of vehicles. "Papa's truck is so big and Mom's car is so little!" Yep - and that's why Papa drove in the snow and not me!
I was trying to get Megan dressed the other day. She just went potty and we put undies on but then reminded me she forgot to wipe. We fixed that problem, got the undies back on and just as I'm about to start putting pants on her she flops down on the floor. "What are you doing, Megan?" "I'm a stinker!" Yes, that you are!
Last night I told Megan that her and I could have popsicles as our bedtime treat. It also got her away from the playdoh and moved the bedtime process along. As I read books at the kitchen table she munched away at her popsicle and it was quickly gone. I had just been nibbling on mine so as soon as Megan swallowed her last bite she reached for mine and started in on that one too as if I had been saving it for her. No questions, no comments. I guess that's why she insists I have a popsicle every time she has one, huh?
Megan recently informed me of one more thing she wants for her princess party. Here is how she describes it: You have a really long stick. You get a ribbon tied across your eyes really tight. You swing the stick and treats fall! I have no idea how in the world she knows what a pinata is but she is not getting one this year. I told her when she turns 4 she can have one :)
Owen was a wiggle butt again tonight as I dried Megan off after her bath. He was playing under my sink and dumped out a whole bunch of stuff. Megan told me I should give Owen a timeout... and a spanking!
Here is Megan counting during this weekend's rousing game of Hide & Seek!
Kid's Workshop - Husky car; Proud Daddy and daughter!
Impromptu sibling jam sessions!
Daddy's favorite too - the modulation wheel!
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