Here is a quick picture John's mom took of Alexa trying to "help" Megan go poop on the potty...
I think we finally are over the hurdle though! Since the M&M's were not a big enough incentive to go #2 we found another treat... fruit snacks! That is Megan's most recent obsession. Santa brought her a few boxes, I bought her a box of Dora ones and both Grandmas have them now too. Megan loves them and I was worried she would eat all of them right away so I told her she had to work for them. She had to put the poop in the potty and she could have a bag. And you know what - it's working!
On Friday with Grandma Gennrich, as soon as the poop hit the water Megan cried "fruit snacks now"! At the Lewis's on Saturday Megan had to poop and we just kept chanting "fruit snacks, fruit snacks" until it came out. Grandma Lewis's were rock hard since they were from last year but fruit snacks none-the-less and Megan ate them right up! (Just slows her down a little)
As I was packing the snack bag for church on Sunday Megan made sure I added fruit snacks just in case she had to poop while at church. She's thinking ahead!!!
And Monday.... Monday was quite the eventful day. Grandma Lewis did a great job summing up the day for me in a little email. I was laughing so hard as I read it I had tears coming down my cheeks. I hope you enjoy!
Just wanted to say be careful what you wish for..Megan has been a poop machine today. I've lost count...I think may be 9 or 10 times and not just a little speck in the bowl either! It became quite comical after a while. The fruit snacks have really got her "going" if you know what I mean. I figured after the fourth time in the pink potty she would be done; they were solid poops and she went right to business without any encouragement, as long as she got the fruit snacks that is (which she did). So I put the pink potty in the nursery thinking we wouldn't need it anymore today but then she comes up and says she has to go. I told her Owen was sleeping and didn't want to disturb him so she would have to go on the big potty. She sighed and we got ready and lo and behold she went AGAIN!!. Yes and snacks again. About 20 minutes later she had to go again but this time she put the "potty seat" on the toilet and didn't want me to help her up onto it...she just wanted me to get the bench so she could do it herself. Ditto with another load and yes more fruit snacks except this time I told her lunch was ready and she would have to eat that before she got fruit snacks. Lunch was over and she had to go again. Yes, she wanted more fruit snacks but I said I thought it would be best to bag up her fruit snacks now and take them home to show Mommy and she was okay with that, probably because she was full of fruit snacks...go figure.
Later she came to check to see where I put the fruit snacks(in her take home bag) and assured herself that yes, she could take them home. But we were not through yet. She has had a couple more poops and she wanted M's (she got 2) and then a piece of Dove candy. I think she wore herself out because she wanted to take a nap and laid down for about 15 minutes. She didn't sleep but just rested - after all it had been a very busy day. So just wanted to let you know I don't think we have to worry about her not pooping anymore. She's got it down really good. Tomorrow I promise we will ease up on the snacks of any kind but she was really on a roll today and wanted to encourage her as much as I could. FYI: Her stools have gone from being quite solid to mushy now, so I think that's a good sign.
And to top it off, there was even one more poop after this email was written! Megan must be feeling pounds lighter and I look forward to great potty successes going forward! Yeah Megan!
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