
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Owen at Six Months

Wow, what a difference another month makes.... rather, what a difference six months makes!  It is just amazing how much a baby learns and grows in six months.  Owen is such a little cutie and a blessing to our lives.  It's hard to believe that he's so big already and before we know it he will be walking and talking!

Owen rocked his six month checkup and stats are below.  Still right in line with those of the last time he was in to be measured.  He sure is a tall kid!  I feel like he eats so much but he is also soo active that everything must just wear right off!!

Height - 28 inches - 92%
Weight - 19lbs 2oz - 78%
Head Circ - 17 5/8 - 87%
You'll notice that a lot of the six month pictures I have posted below are of Owen sitting up.  Owen is officially a sitter!!  He's been doing it well for a few weeks now and it is nice to be able to put him on the floor to play without having to worry about him falling over - at least right away.  I don't like to leave him like that for too long in case he gets tired but each time it seems to be a little longer than the last.  Since he can sit so well I have also started to give Owen and Megan baths together in the big tub.  They both like to play and as long as Megan isn't splashing tooo much he does a really good job.

Another benefit to Owen sitting up is that now we can put him in the exersaucer!  We actually have one in our own house this go-round and love it!  Owen is much more in content in it than his older sister ever was.  The minute we put him in it he just goes nuts with excitement and also shows us all the spring in his legs!  He can look up at the TV or turn around - definitely makes for a happy little guy!

Owen is doing excellent with his solid foods too.  We give him solids three times a day and he will eat about four tablespoons of cereal and just about that same amount of fruit and/or veggies at each sitting.  I typically will give him some cereal and fruit/veggies together and when that's gone as much fruit/veggies as he will take.  He got upgraded to the state 2 baby food since he's a sitter but that won't last long!  Favorite flavors are still pears and peas but we have tried and liked almost everything out there so far except some of the "meals".  He also likes yogurt!

Besides being spoon fed Owen has really done a good job of starting to feed himself.  Puffs and Mum-Mums are quickly becoming staples in his diet.  My little secret with Owen is if he's fussing too bad in his high chair because he's hungry, I can just dump some puffs out on the tray and he'll go after them trying to feed himself.  I'm surprised with how many actually make it into his mouth and now on the floor or side of the chair.  I still get some weird looks from him since he's still not completely used to the texture but overall he does great!

Bottles have really started to cut back.  The most I can usually get him to drink at a time is about four ounces.  That is more than fine with me and we just make sure to put a little formula in his cereal to ensure he gets the extra vitamins.

Now onto my favorite topic - sleep...  Getting Owen to sleep at bedtime is no problem.  His internal clock is so good.  He knows dinner is at six and right around 7:15-7:30 he gets fussy for bedtime.  We change into jammies and then it's about a four ounce bottle and he is out.  He likes to sleep on his left side covered with a blanket or two.  As he sleeps he scoots upwards to the head of the crib.  The sleeping through the night is what we need to work on.  I always try to do what I can to avoid a bottle but it's almost nightly that he will need a feeding.  I don't know if he's just that hungry or what but I would love if he would start sleeping till morning again.  Typically it's a bottle at 2 and then back to sleep until morning.

Owen is getting so mobile with rolling to wherever he wants.  He just gets more fun as time goes on.  And is he ever so smiley!!  I just love his little toothless smile and his bright blue eyes!  I love the fact that he loves his mommy so much.  If I come home from work and don't go right to him I get in big trouble - I get a fussy baby!  Owen also loves to make eye contact with his daddy.  They can lock eyes for minutes!


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