
Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday Funnies: Into October

I hope everyone had a great week.  I wish we had more of the warm weather from the first three days of the week instead these near freezing and windy temps we're having now but hopefully these little stories will warm you up just a bit.

Here's one I forgot to add last week... Megan was wearing skort, so a skirt with shorts built right in.  For some reason she pulled up the skirt part as high as it could go and said, "Hey, where's my button?" She was looking for her belly button!

"Um, Mom... Why did we buy a double stroller again?  This one works just fine!"

Even Owen made the Friday Funnies this week.  My family had some fun with him at Grandma's birthday party.  "Give me that bottle... NOW!"

"Uncle Kevin, you don't really need that nose... do you?"


This is an outtake from our 2 1/2 year photo shoot and would have been a great shot if Megan would have looked at the camera and smiled.  Instead, this is what was going through her mind... "I'm behind a fence.  I'm a cow.  Moooooo!!!"

My last story for the night is what Megan did on the way home from Grandma and Grandpa's on Sunday night.  She was a little whiny so I gave her my cell phone to play a favorite puzzle game of hers.  We passed the phone back and forth taking turns putting pieces in.  I finally told her she had to play on her own.  The next thing I know is Megan calling from the backseat saying, "Mom, I play Mickey on your phone?"  I was in shock when I saw what was up on the screen as I had never even used those screens before.  On the home screen she had clicked the Sprint ID button (I hardly ever even go here), clicked Create New ID, scrolled through a dozen icons at the top of the page until she found the Disney Jr. logo.  Clicked the logo and scrolled to the bottom until she saw some familiar Mickey Mouse pictures!  Wow... kids these days and their technology!!

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