There's no doubt that Megan knows baby Owen is here to stay - although who knows if she realizes that he won't be a baby for very long. Before she knows he will be stealing all her toys and pulling her hair! He is part of her family now and when she wakes up in the morning or wakes from a nap she right away wants to know where the baby is. If we're going to church or running an errand she asks if the baby will come too. If we're talking about what color shirts everyone is wearing she will also make a point to acknowledge Owen's shirt. Megan is also so used to seeing Owen sleeping that she gets really excited whenever she sees his eyes open.
We put Megan on pacifier patrol. We tell her that when the baby cries it is her job to give it to him. Most of the time she tries to put it in upside down but after a few tries she gets it right. She's not afraid to grab his head if he's wiggling around a lot and shove the suckey in his mouth. We also let her brush his hair with the soft plastic brush we got from the hospital. We are also becoming aware of what we say to her. When Owen is crying we often catch megan saying things like "you're fine, baby" or "you're ok". And not in a calming tone, more of a scolding, annoyed tone.
I have a few pictures below of Megan and Owen together throughout the last few weeks. The first one is one of the first mornings he was home. Still not wanting to touch him much but willing to pose with him.
One week after coming home and Megan is happy to help take care of Owen.
This is a collage of pictures from last night. I think Megan was trying to prolong bedtime but right now I don't want to deny her the chance to hold baby Owen. Overall Owen is a pretty good sport. I wanted Megan to hold Owen's hand but she was more interested in trying to pull off his hang nails!
A few nights ago Megan was running around the house with the rice cooker steamer basket on her head as a hat. Next thing you know, Owen had a hat too... right over his face... and it was being pushed in ever so gently. Today I had Owen in his car seat as we were getting ready to leave. Megan saw me pick up the car seat to gently swing it back and forth to calm Owen down so the next time he fussed she was more than willing to rock the seat vigorously to try and settle him down! I have a feeling that this kid is going to pretty tough - he doesn't have a chance with a sister like Megan!
Hey, looking at this post again, I see the bouncy seat!!! Does he like it?