
Monday, June 20, 2011

Megan at 15 Months

Our little Megan just doesn't stop growing up.  Another month has gone by, now three months past her birthday, meaning another doctor's visit and new stats.  We knew she was doing well but these numbers confirmed it. 
Weight - 26 lbs 3 ounces - 92%
Height - 31 inches - 70%
Head Circumference- 18 1/2 inches - 80%

At our last doctor's visit we were told that Megan needed to be off the bottle by 15 months and we got her off!  I actually found a Nuby brand cup that's called a Sport Sipper and she's been using that.  It's a longer cup with a silicone straw coming out of the top.  I picked that one since it looked like her bottle and she caught on to drinking out of it after a couple weeks.  We first did a lot of back and forth with her suckey and sipping but now she is taking longer swallows.  Next step is to wean her off of drinking so much milk at bedtime. 

This last month was a sleeping/bedtime nightmare, literally.... It might partly be due to us working on a different cup, resulting in me rocking her to sleep more than using the bottle as the sleep aide as before.  Getting Megan to bed and down for naps has definitely been a lot more work.  But getting her to bed at night is nothing compared to how she's been waking throughout the night.  She had been so good until we started the cup transition and more teeth came in.  I do think that I got her spoiled with all the cuddling and now need to break her of that.  There was one night where she woke up and would scream every time I tried to put her back in her crib.  We could lay on the floor together and she was fine, she would be fine in our bed but would scream when she got near her crib.  There were a lot of nights similar to this also making for a very crabby mommy.

Megan now has all 16 baby teeth so I'm hoping that part of our lives is through until the two year molars come in.  Hallelujah!  Eight teeth in three months is a bit much in my books but Megan is always a trooper.

Megan continues to be a jabber box.  Although she is not nearly excited to repeatedly say all the words she knows, she is gradually adding more.  We now catch her also trying to say "up", "bird" and "hello".  I think "hello" is her new favorite and she puts it to great use when talking on her telephones. 

Megan has really took on a liking to books.  Her favorites are basically anything that has big, bold pictures of animals or objects such as farm dictionaries, The Busy Spider, and The Busy Squirrel.  After she turns each page I ask her where her pointer is and I take her finger and see how many things I can point to on the pages before she turns the next page!  She really does a good job and will sometimes dig through an entire pile of books looking for a particular one. 

Favorite activities inside include: running with the corn popper toy, watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, climbing on her stepper up onto the couch, talking on her phones, flipping through books and helping Mommy in the kitchen.  We are also starting to try some action songs.  We began with The Hokey Pokey and putting our right foot in.  After just a times, all we have to do now is just say "the hokey pokey" and Megan will walk to the middle of the living room and start shaking her right foot!  We don't usually get lucky with the other limbs but you've got to start somewhere!  She is starting to point out her body parts when asked - belly button being her favorite.  She also gets a kick out of watching me do jumping jacks and will stand and bob along with me.  Cute!

Outside, Megan still enjoys the playground both for the steps, slides and now the pea rocks!  We don't have too many outside toys for her, but we get a big "oooooh" reaction when we blow her some bubbles.  She also likes to help us water the plants as well as play with her t-ball set. 

Well, I think this is a good enough summary for now.  I wanted to get this post out earlier, but I literally cannot even touch my cell phone or computer while Megan is awake and with all the bedtime drama lately I've just been too exhausted at night to do anything.  As more new things happen I would love to be able to document them right away .  Nothing seems to stay the same and it seems like Megan does something for a few days, gets really good at it and must get bored and moves on to the next thing.  So by time I get around to writing about it, she's past that stage already.  Oh well.... that's now it goes, I guess.


  1. Just comment testing - please delete this.

  2. Hi Karen,
    What a great time to be a mommy.It was a fun time with Megan at Gretas party. She was the center of attraction.You do such a great job of parenting.


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