
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

One and So Much Fun!

Megan's One Year Stats:
Weight - 23 lbs 14 ounces - 85%
Height - 30 inches - 80%
Head - 18 1/4 inches - 85%

Now that Megan is a whole year old it's time for her to let her firey-redhead personality come out.  Lately she has become our Baby Gaga, our Miss Picky and our Go-Go Gadget. 
Megan is our Baby Gaga because she is always gabbering, not just whining.  She hasn't technically said her first words yet, (she does make the "mama" and "dada" sounds but doesn't associate them with us) but is doing a good job of experimenting with all the different sounds her little mouth and tongue can produce.  I'll probaly get annoyed with all the gabbering soon enough but right now it's so fun to listen to (and sooo much better than whining).  One of Megan's latest things, besides screaming, is trying to imitate Daddy when he burps - you can bet that I am extremely pleased with that one...  We are also getting her to copy our "uh-oh's" when something drops on the floor; she does a great job matching the pitches of our voices as she repeats after us. 
Miss Picky refers to the way Megan has been eating lately.  Some days it seems like we can't get Megan to eat anything.  This started a week or so before her birthday and now even her favorites of scrambled eggs, noodles, cheerios, peaches are being spit out.  I read that toddlers do not need to eat that much since their growth isn't as rapid during the second year, but it sure makes it hard when trying to feed her.  Megan will take the food in her hand or using her fork, put it into her mouth, say "yum" and then spit it out and throw it onto the floor with a disgusted look on her face.  We are doing mostly finger foods with her and having her feed herself which she does a good job of when she actually wants to eat.  She even is taking the fork and food in separate hands and trying to get the food on the end of the fork by herself.  Guess Megan is just enjoying playing with her food more than consuming it.  If anyone has tips on how to get our little girly to eat, feel free to share!
Finally, Megan is our little Go-Go Gadget mixed with the Energizer Bunny!  Seems like once she turned one there was a switch that got turned on and she's just go, go, go!  She is up and down her chairs, obsessed with climing up and down the steps, loves the printer and the buttons, really likes to open and close doors, loves to be where all the action is - especially when Mommy is cooking dinner, still loves the measuring cup drawer and still in love with bath time.  Any kind of gadgets with buttons to push like on the printer, Violet, washing machine, and remotes are fun. 
Here's a picture of Megan on one of her chairs.  After getting over the habit of standing up on the chair, Megan found out that they can be used for something else... sitting!

1 comment:

  1. If I remember right, we had a period when we had trouble getting Bennett to eat decent too. It obviously doesn't last though. And if she is really hungry, she will eat! Even now there are meals when Bennett takes 2 bits and he's done - either from being picky or just not hungry. I'm not gonna make him a different meal or force him to eat. I'd suggest just offering her water/juice/milk alot during the day along with a few snacks if you're worried she's not getting enough from meal time. She'll be fine :-)
    And yep, the kids turn 1 and it's like a different person! Moving constantly and learning so many new things - it's hard to keep up. Good luck with your almost toddler!


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