It's been awhile again since I've written about what we've been up to over here. Let's back up a few weeks and wrap up February.
Valentine's Day at our place was fantastic. John got Megan a big pink rubber ball which she loves! I got a beautiful bouquet of daisies from Megan since John knows how I feel about him buying me flowers - there was no way I could get mad if Megan got them for me. Megan got John and me some framed photos of her with each of us - she is so sweet!. John and I did not go out this year. Instead, I turned our kitchen and dining room into Red Lobster and we ate at home. We feasted on crab legs and shrimp scampi accompanied by a salad, strawberries, baked potatoes and steamed broccoli. It was delicious and I did enjoy eating the crab legs here at home more than in the restaurant. And they were so easy to prepare - just boil for about 4 minutes!
I am officially ready for spring and my car seconds that. The snowy roads and my little Saturn have not been cooperating lately. I should have been keeping track of all the Mondays that I had to drive Megan in to G&G Lewis' place with freshly fallen snow. Last Monday was Presidents' Day but we had also gotten dumped on the day before. Luckily for me many people were off of school and work so the traffic allowed me to get into Minnetonka with no issues. Getting to the cities was not a problem, it was actually getting into my in-law's neighborhood that did not go well. As I tried to go up South Street I soon realized that would not be an option and started to back down. Problem was I didn't back up straight and ended up in a snow bank. Good thing for cell phones because I was able to call Valerie who grabbed a shovel and a couple neighbors to come help dig me out. John Sr. was busy digging out his own car from the driveway so he could come get Megan from where I was at so I didn't have to try the back way into the neighborhood.
This past Sunday John and I had another opportunity to play our instruments in the Trinity Orchestra. John was able to rearrange his work schedule to make it to Wednesday night's rehearsal. However, there was also a mandatory store meeting scheduled for Sunday morning slightly interfering with the church service. John, being the mastermind he is, came up with the almost perfect way to sneak out of the meeting early. He wanted me to send him a text around 7 saying I was having car problems and needed to leave. I couldn't believe he was asking me to lie like that, and on a Sunday for that matter! The plan wasn't executed the best since I forgot to send the message until quarter after. John still made it in time for the service, just missed a little bit of the rehearsal. It was a beautiful service. We played on the three hymns and did an arrangement of Be Thou My Vision during the offering. Both of my parents and John's mother were able to make it to church to hear us play - and I think watching Megan was just an added bonus! They reported that Megan really got into our postlude which was a medley of spirituals like Swing Low, Sweet Chariot and Oh, When the Saints. We're looking forward to our next performance on Easter!
The roads were a little deceiving yesterday too. Driving home after church there were several times when I tried to brake and actually caused the car to skid. Once I wasn't able to straighten out or stop while fishtailing and ended up gently running into a small bank of snow on the side of the street. My car and I am fine, just a little embarassed since John and my parents were both there to witness.
We finally got all our Christmas returns and exchanges done within the past couple weeks. Thanks to the Explorer's 4-wheel drive we were able to brave the elements and get stuff accomplished on some of the nasty weekends. We still need to run out again this weekend to pick up stuff for Megan's upcoming b-day party. Megan also got a pair of new fishies Saturday. The new yellow/orange fish and orange & black fish look great and provide great contrast to the others we had previously and are good replacements of a couple that ended up dying that we got the last time.
I think that about covers it. Otherwise we've just been hanging out here enjoying Megan. I'm still trying to get organized and get into a cleaning groove - not working!
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