Merry Christmas! We hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday weekend and is having a nice relaxing week before the new year; this truly is the most wonderful time of the year. John and I felt especially blessed this year, having received our greatest gift this past March. Christmas was so different this year being parents with all the attention being turned to our innocent Megan. Having the little ones is what Christmas is all about. To her it's Christmas all year round as she is constantly sharing her joy with everyone she meets. She just has that genuine smile that lights every room.
Christmas morning John and I played in the brass choir again at my parents' church. It's a fun tradition we've been doing for some time and I know it means so much to the entire congregation. Then the real parties began. First we celebrated at John's parents in Minnetonka and that evening at my parents in NYA. It was fun to see everyone again, relax and have lots of good food and laughs. All of our presents were very nice and just the right amount. Megan got some clothes for now and later, books, movies, puzzles and toys! She didn't really quite understand the whole unwrapping presents bit (maybe she'll do better come her birthday), but her favorite part of the day was sitting in the middle with all the empty boxes piled high. Megan was quite the trooper, having only sporatic naps all weekend and not going to bed until 9:30 Christmas night. Made for a crabby baby on Sunday but it was all worth it.
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