
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas 2010

Merry Christmas!  We hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday weekend and is having a nice relaxing week before the new year; this truly is the most wonderful time of the year.  John and I felt especially blessed this year, having received our greatest gift this past March.  Christmas was so different this year being parents with all the attention being turned to our innocent Megan.  Having the little ones is what Christmas is all about.  To her it's Christmas all year round as she is constantly sharing her joy with everyone she meets.  She just has that genuine smile that lights every room.

Christmas for us started Christmas Eve night.  During the day, Megan and I ran a few last minute errands and visited Daddy at work.  Back at home we cleaned a little and then headed out to the 5pm Christmas Eve service.  Once we got home Megan opened her presents, went to bed and John and I had a nice, quiet spaghetti dinner by ourselves followed by last-minute preparations for the following day.
Christmas morning John and I played in the brass choir again at my parents' church.  It's a fun tradition we've been doing for some time and I know it means so much to the entire congregation.  Then the real parties began.  First we celebrated at John's parents in Minnetonka and that evening at my parents in NYA.  It was fun to see everyone again, relax and have lots of good food and laughs.  All of our presents were very nice and just the right amount.  Megan got some clothes for now and later, books, movies, puzzles and toys!  She didn't really quite understand the whole unwrapping presents bit (maybe she'll do better come her birthday), but her favorite part of the day was sitting in the middle with all the empty boxes piled high.  Megan was quite the trooper, having only sporatic naps all weekend and not going to bed until 9:30 Christmas night.  Made for a crabby baby on Sunday but it was all worth it.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Too Cute Tuesday: Feed Me!

Megan sure loves to eat. Her favorites are fruits, primarily ones she can chew and have some sort of texture.
 She usually does a great job of getting all the food in her mouth.  However, in the below pictures she was so hungry and was trying to get the pieces of apples in as fast as she could.
Tonight Megan was very excited to get her mandarin oranges.
However, she didn't so much like when I tried to sneak in spoonfuls of green beans between bites of the oranges.

Monday, December 20, 2010

10 Word Weekend Before Christmas & Not Me's

Our 10 words for the weekend:
Narnia 3D Date; More Shopping; Bells Lessons & Carols; Baby Steps

I did not come home with a box a Twinkies and a Twinkie cookbook from our MOPS white elephant gift exchange.

We celebrated the Holidays at work last week. I did not win the snowflake cutting competition. I guess all those countless hours of cutting snowflakes when I was growing up paid off! A different department had Minute To Win It games setup. I had to try and roll two ornaments into a designated area using a piece of cardboard to fan them, try to hang six nails from a taute string, and try to keep three balloons in the air. Each one needed to be completed in a minute and I did not do that well. Oh well. However, I did do better at those games than I did at the mini golf obstacle course. I also won a Cherry Crush bike in the employee drawing!

I did not leave work a couple hours early on Thursday because of the weather and again on Friday because Megan had her doctor's checkup. We did not get a call that our doctor had to go deliver a baby an hour before Megan's scheduled appointment. We rescheduled for a different doctor a little later that afternoon but when we got to the clinic we were pleased to see that she was already back from the delivery and could do Megan's checkup.

Following doctor's orders, John and I decided to go on a date Saturday afternoon to see the new Narnia movie in 3D. We were able to see it for free (besides the cost of popcorn) thanks to the General Mills promotion. It was nice to unwind for a couple hours and have some time with John away from Megan. We refilled our popcorn and went to do a few more things in the mall. I did not drop my bag spilling popcorn everywhere. What a clutz I am...

Sunday morning John and I played in our old bell choir. It was the Lessons & Carols service. The service was a little lengthy but very, very nice with five choirs performing (two instrumental and three choral). After two services, John went to work and I did a little more shopping.

Another thing we worked on a lot this weekend was helping Megan work on her walking. She is willing to do it but just needs to increase her confidence. Even from Friday to today she has made so much progress. Megan is even standing on her own better and better every day. Baby steps, baby steps...

Finally, I was not officially made a mommy this morning. I took Megan out of her carseat at G&G Lewis's place and started walking towards the front door. All of a sudden I heard a couple weird noises coming from Megan and before I knew it there was projectile throw-up coming out of Megan's little mouth. I think there were it came up four times and went all over my coat and over and down Megan's snowsuit. Luckily we were outside and not in the car or inside. I thought she might be sick but once we got the dirty clothes off she was all smiles. I smelled like sour milk the entire drive in to work. Yuck... but just part of being a mom!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Megan at Nine Months

We had Megan's nine month doctor's visit and here is how she stands:

Weight - 20 lbs 12 ounces - 85%
Height - 27 1/2 inches - 55%
Head - 17 3/4 inches - 80%

Megan only grew a little over an inch since her six month visit which is probably why she is still in the 6-9 month clothes.  Soon we will be able to make the wardrobe switch I'm sure; probably right after Christmas.  She's got a little bulging tummy and I'm hoping we hit a growth spurt sometime soon.

Megan has turned into our little Stairmaster.  John called me at work a week ago to tell me that while he was watching TV she managed to make it up onto the first step all by herself.  She climbed the entire flight of stairs four times that day!  Needless-to-say she was pretty proud of herself that day and slept great that night.

A week ago Saturday I got one of my first reality checks that our little girl is no longer a baby and that she is very much independent.  When I sat down to play with Megan to play in our living room she turned her back towards me so she could face her toy boxes.  She proceded to pull out toys one-by-one on her own.  It definitely helps us that she is able to keep herself entertained since we don't have to try and keep her happy every minute of the day.  The extra mobility is definitely helping too.  She is pulling up on every vertical surface and walking around while holding onto objects with ease.  Just a couple days ago she took some really good steps by herself.  It will still be a long while until she is able to comfortably walk unassisted but she's moving in the right direction and making progress every day.  Megan is determined and wants to move.  She will be running after Alexa and the doggies before we know it!

On Wednesday Megan cut her eigth tooth.  Her next bottom-right tooth came in so she is no longer going to be lopsided like she was the last couple months.  I wonder how long it will be until the next ones come in!

I may have mentioned it before but Megan had been offering her suckey to us a lot lately.  Since these recent actions (and with the advise of her doctor), we've decided to start weaning her off of it.  She now will only be given suckey rights at naps and bedtime.  We've already survived three days (including a church service) no problem.  I was a little nervous for car rides but they've been fine too.   

Finally, one thing that Megan's started is copying Daddy sticking out her tongue.  It sure is cute and she thinks she is cute too.  Now she is even doing it before we do it just to see our reactions.  Just one more facial expression to add to her repertoire.

Well, that's some of the highlights of the last month.  Megan is really looking forward to celebrating Christmas with her family.  She sees her Christmas presents wrapped and has already tried to break into them! 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Too Cute Tuesday! Nine Months Old


Not Me! Blizzard Weekend

I think my biggest Not Me of the week is: Megan did not learn how to pick mama's nose!  She usually takes that little pointer finger of hers and weasles her way into my mouth to feel my tongue and teeth.  On Saturday morning we were cuddling on the couch and I had my eyes closed, hoping she would follow by example, when the next thing I felt was her little finger (with unclipped nail) going up my left nostril!  She did it to John the next day too and a few more times to me as well.  It's not as bad when she goes for the mouth first and then the nose.  But when it's the other way around.... you get the picture....

I did not head up to church last Tuesday night just to find out that MOPS was really next week...

I did not bake and work on my cookies for the 2nd annual Lewis/Kauffman cookie exchange every single night last week - and after 3 grocery store runs for ingredients.  We had to make two different kinds of cookies and a dozen of each of the eight people invited.  That was a lot of cookies!  Then, wouldn't you know, come Saturday there was not the 5th largest snowstorm that Minnesota had ever faced, postponing the get-together to the next day.  I talked about the upcoming event a lot at work last week so on Friday all my co-workers (and my mom) were very concerned about me leaving the house with Megan.  I brought my cookies along on Friday night to the Lewis birthday bash so those who did go to the exchange on Sunday could bring them along - thank you!  I don't know why, but even though we have all those cookies in the garage now, I still have an urge to bake!  Any ideas?

John did not have to work his entire 10-7 shift on Saturday during the blizzard.  The Home Depot did not let anyone leave early despite the store being completely dead.  The only thing selling was snowblowers!

I was not thankful that John was home on Sunday to drive Megan and me to church.  The streets were plowed, but still not well enough for my little Saturn.  I even had to drive the Explorer to a friend's holiday open house on Sunday.

On my Monday morning round trip I did not make the stupidest move ever by trying to cut from 212 over to highway 5 by way of Eden Prairie Road.  20 minutes later I really wish I would have stuck to my original route.  It only took me an hour fifteen minutes to get Megan dropped off!  I usually cut over on Dell which almost always proves beneficial.  I will never use Eden Prairie Road again.

Have a wonderful week everyone!  And stay warm!  Also, don't forget the real meaning of Christmas as we all rush to get the holiday shopping done.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Mommy's New Kitchen Help

When Megan breaks out of the living room baracade, she heads right for her favorite kitchen drawer.  She loves anything she can get her hands on.  The kitchen is just one big toy box to her with all these shiny and weirdly shaped objects.  I hope Megan's this enthusiastic about "helping" in about 10 years.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Me Again Megan

Hi everyone!  Mama says that since I am getting older and constantly jabbering I should write to everybody again.  I am excited... I have soooo much to say!

Like I said, I am getting older.  In fact, I will be 9 months next week!  Holy cow!  I am also getting so big ad heavy that Mama doesn't like carrying me around anymore.  I'm not quite sure about all this cold weather lately.  Everytime we leave the house Mama and Daddy have to put me in this big pink, puffy suit.  It gets pretty warm and I can't really move around in it.  I still like my suckey and it is very important to me.  Since I like it so much I am trying to give it to Mama and Daddy and other people try but they don't seem to like it as much as I do.  Also, lately it seems that when I cry at night Mama and Daddy don't hear me right away.  I have learned to just cry louder; that usually does the trick!

Hey Alexa... I had a lot of fun playing with you on Monday and Grandpa and Grandma's house.  It was fun to crawl after you as you walked right into our nursery.  Remember how we pulled open the bottom drawer of that dresser and started to pull out all the records?  You have such good ideas and they're always so much fun!  Oh, and I forgot to tell you that I looked in Mama's kitchen and we do not have a butcher knife drawer.  BUT, I did find a drawer with tons measuring cups and other stuff.  The best is, get this, the potato masher!  Hopefully we can play togeter again real soon.  I also like some of the same foods that you do.  Like mandarin oranges.  Yeah, I am so addicted.

Well everyone, I think I better get going now because I can tell Mama wants to play.  I think I have to go to bed soon too and it's bath night tonight.  Oh boy!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Too Cute Tuesday: Visiting Santa

Here are a couple pictures of our Santa and reindeer visit from Sunday.  John and I didn't notice it then, but looking at the pictures tonight we now know why Megan started crying at the end... This Santa is kinda creepy.  Maybe we'll have to find another Santa before Christmas!

The donkeys were more interested in Megan and John than the reindeer were.

10 Word Weekend

Here are my 10 words from last weekend:
Snow Storm. Apple Pie. Microwave & Dishwasher. Santa & Reindeer. Christmas Shopping

There was a big snowstorm starting Friday afternoon.  I decided to leave work early to beat the weather and got home around 4.  John worked until about 4:30 and then had to go pick up Megan at his parents'.  Since traffic is always slower whenever there are even just a little few flurries, I knew it would take him a while for that trip.  I gave him the option of just having Megan stay the night with her grandparents but he wanted to get her.  He got home after 6, so an hour and a half from Chaska to Minnetonka back home - almost double the time but it was nice to have our little family together for the snowstorm.  Of course I was nervous the entire time he was driving.  John thought it would be funny to call me in a worried voice just to hear my reaction when he was really just turning onto our street.

Since I had a few hours to myself (very hard to come by nowadays) I decided to put together a couple small pans of apple pie bars.  My grandma gave me a bag of apples at Thanksgiving and I used my pumpkin pie crust recipe to create a very tasty treat.  After dinner Friday night John and I devoured half of the 8x8 pan of it!  The other 8x8 pan went into the freezer for another snowy day.

Saturday we all got to sleep in a little bit.  I got up with Megan and when she went down for an early morning nap I went out to shovel our patio.  I unburied the patio set and grill and we finally put the tarps over them for snow protection.  About time!  It was very light fluffy snow so at least I didn't break my back with all the shoveling.  It was actually nice to get out in the fresh air and do that.

John had to work Saturday afternoon but my mom came over and we bundled up Megan and headed to downtown Waconia to visit a few of the occasional stores to do some Christmas shopping.  Megan,bundled in her snowsuit and sitting in the umbrella stroller, had a blast as we pushed her through the snowy streets. 

Saturday night John's dad came over to help install our new dishwasher.  (John had installed our new microwave by himself on Thursday.  He tried to unhook the dishwasher himself on Thursday too and when we came home from bells our kitchen was under water!  When we stepped on the hardwood floor, water would seep up through the seams.  We soaked up as much as we could and let it dry overnight and the floor seems ok now.)  We needed a new microwave because our door was cracked and Home Depot had amazing Black Friday sales all November so we took advantage and upgraded our dishwasher as well.  I've decided that since we have an energy efficient one I will now start putting more of our pots and pans in there to hopefully cut down on some of the kitchen workload.

After church on Sunday John and I wook Megan to see Santa and his reindeer at the Mustard Seed.  Megan had fun at first until the 4-H girls started making lots of noise over the cute situation.  She didn't last long after that.

John and I were finally able to get some Christmas shopping done Sunday afternoon.  I appreciate that John likes to be a part of the gift-giving process and he has a lot of great incite and ideas of what to get people.  Unfortunately, he's been busy most weekends so this was our first opportunity.  We got home around 7 that night and then I ordered a few more things online.  I think we only have 3 more small gifts to buy and a few more to make and put together!  Let the wrapping begin!

This week will be busy for me as there is a big cookie exchange on Saturday with the women on the Lewis/Kauffman side of the family.  I have 14 dozen cookies to make before Saturday morning (technically should be done Wednesday night).  Good thing I love to bake!  Too bad I can't eat it... guess I'll just have to make more apple pie bars!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

It's Official... He's Moving Back!

Even though John moved to the Chaska Home Depot in May his heart has always been at the Eden Prairie store.  Hardware hasn't been his most favorite department and he still has more friends in EP.  That's why when a department head postion opened up in EP he was fast to let their store manager know he was interested in the job.  John found out on Thursday that he was chosen.  He will be a Specialty Department Head over Kitchen & Bath, Appliances, Flooring and Millwork,  basically an assistant to one of the assistant store managers.  Even though it's technically a lateral move, John has had his eye on this position for a while.  As he waits he is both excited and anxious, as to be expected.  There still isn't a release date set but John thinks he will be transferring from Chaska to Eden Prairie in early January.  Congrats!  You will do great! 

November Wrap-Up

November was a fun and  busy month and I know December is going to be even busier!  Before we get too far into December I wanted to highlight all of our November excitement.  Here's a little recap of what our little family's been up to:

On the 10th we celebrated my 29th birthday.  I was lucky this year because John did not have to work (first time in 4 years!).  Because of all his hard work with the Gold Cup they gave him that Wednesday off.  My parents came over to watch Megan so John and I could go have a birthday dinner alone at Victoria House.  For my birthday Megan gave me a frame with a picture of me and her and John gave me Adobe Photoshop.  I haven't used it much yet but look forward to using it to edit my photos.

The weekend after my birthday John had one more dinner planned for me.  We got a little dressed up, dropped Megan off with G&G Lewis and went downtown to Foga De Chao, a Brazilian steakhouse.  This is not a place we will be going to again anytime soon because it is sooo expensive but John had been there earlier this year and wanted me to experience it too.  When John made the reservations he told them of my dietary restrictions and when we got there someone actually came over to our table and told me exactly what I could and could not eat and even brought a few things specially for me like mashed potatoes and polenta.  We started out with a salad bar you would never believe followed by the main course, MEAT!  One by one, men carrying big pieces of meat on swords streamed to our table to shave off meat onto our plate.  John and I weren't too keen on the lamb but loved the Filet Mignon.  We even got a complimentary dessert, a fresh fruit cup!

The next day I planned for Megan, John and I to get a family photo taken at the Ritz in Eden Prairie.  It was  Megan's 8 month birthday so we got a few shots of her by herself as well.  We ended up ordering some Christmas cards with the family pose.  They turned out really cute!

The week of my birthday, we had some staff changes at work.  My AM Janice decided to leave YA and that Friday was her last day.  We're doing pretty good without her, just a little extra responsibilities for me.  I'm still not the busiest so hopefully things pick up, especially after the holidays.

John worked the entire next weekend.  On Sunday we awoke to a sheet of ice covering the entire ground.  Megan and I made it to church just fine, and actually weren't the last ones there!  I was not able to pull into the garage when we returned because our driveway slopes up and the car got no traction.  Later that afternoon the ice all melted so Megan and I went to go pick up our photo order ourselves.  Our photographer remembered Megan and had to say a special hi to "Little Red".  We also stopped at Kohls (I popped a banana in her fresh food feeder and plopped her in the cart and she was as happy as could be) and stopped at Rainbow for groceries.  I gave her an A+ that weekend.  Her and I had so much fun together.

Finally we come to Thanksgiving.   It was a four-day weekend for me; however, John had to stay late that Wednesday night to prep for Black Friday and early into work on Friday of course for the mad rush of customers.   He actually had to open every day that weekend.  Earlier that week I made myself a pumpkin pie and also made pumpkin pie ice cream with some fresh pumpkin from my mom for the rest of the family with homemade gingersnaps.  Thanksgiving itself was a whirlwind of excitement.  Church in the morning and eating the rest of the day.  Straight from church we headed to my parents' for the Gennrich side's Thanksgiving.  We had everyone there, sans one aunt, and it was nice for them all to see Megan, especially since it had probably been since the 4th of July that everyone had gotten together.  Megan napped when she could and didn't really like the Thanksgiving dinner I put together for her.  A lot of stimulation and she is mostly used to fruit at lunch time.  We stayed a couple hours more for a few games and, of course, pictures... Megan soon got cranky again and it was off to the Lewis' so she could have a nap in the car.  We had fun over there too (with another huge assortment of desserts) and Megan got to play with Alexa again.  Even though we stayed there longer than we should have, Megan did such a good job.  We put Megan's PJ's on before we left for home.  She fell asleep right after the car left the Lewis' driveway and she was so tired that she only opened her eyes once while John took off her coat and put her in her crib.  Oh, how we love our little Megan and are so thankful that she is our daughter.   

As I said before, John was up bright and early on Friday.  I stayed at home and got up early to look at ads online.  When John got home he decided to call in to a place in town to get new tires put on his Explorer.  Meanwhile, he stayed home with Megan so I could go Black Friday shopping a little on my own.  I ended up with just a couple Christmas presents and a new winter coat and scarf set for myself. 

Our last big event of the month was going to Red Lobster the Saturday after Thanksgiving for my mom's birthday.  We actually had my entire immediate family at a restaurant together.  I wonder when and if that will ever happen again!  Again, Megan did great.  We don't take her out to many restaurants but gobbled up her dinner while we waited for our food to arrive.

Well, I apologize for the lengthy post.  It almost seems that the busier we are the harder it is to get anything on the computer.  I hope everyone has a wonderful December.  Stay warm and drive safe!