
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Lewis Updates with J&K

It's been a while since we gave updates about ourselves. I'm sure most of you already know what's below but I wanted to give a quick recap.

John was relocated from Eden Prairie to the Chaska Home Depot and has been there almost a month now. HR found out that he was sometimes supervisor over his Dad and Grandma and someone had to move. He is now a department head over the Hardware department. It's a smaller store and smaller department (even though there's a lot more inventory to manage), so, unfortunately, it means he works every weekend. It works out better for watching Megan, but we don't see each other as much right now. The new department is challenging his weaknesses. He mastered the special order piece of the business while being in Kitchens, but now has to tackle the inventory side. But what better place to grow than in a place where no one knows you very well. It sounds like he is already making good changes within his department. John doesn't have the keys to the store quite yet, but will soon once he gets just a little more familiar with this store.

John goes to the sleep clinic at Ridgeview on the 29th of this month. He snores quite a bit (ok, a lot) and never really feels rested even after sleeping a long time. He is pretty sure he has sleep apnea and in a few weeks we will find out for sure. With having Megan now he needs to be fully rested in the morning and would just give him more energy all around. John also went in for a test recently to try and determine why he is coughing all the time. He has been since this time last year and hasn't gotten any better. He had to drink some barium liquid as the doctors watched it going down. We don't know the results of this test yet but hopefully we will soon.

John is playing softball again this summer. Although he has had to miss some games due to work scheduling and weather, he is having a fun time playing with family. And Megan likes watching her daddy play too!

I have been back to work at YA Corp for 2 1/2 weeks now and it has been nice. I do enjoy the time away from the house, interaction with people who can talk back to me, and a little mental stimulation is always good.

Between working, pumping, helping with meals and trying to spend quality time with my husband and daughter, there hasn't been a whole lot of time for anything else right now. John thinks that's good because it keeps me from spending money and keeps me away from garage sales! I did enjoy Memorial Day weekend because I was able to bake several rhubarb streussel bars and my first cheesecake. I'm looking forward to mixing up some tasty Father's Day treats as well.

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