Today I hit 38 weeks. Really, the baby could come any day now. This weekend's activity is packing the hospital bag. We're not too worried about forgetting something since we only live a couple blocks from the hospital. Reality is starting to set in that this event is just around the corner and possibly I'm putting off packing thinking that if I don't pack it won't happen. John continues to tell the baby to come out so he doesn't have to go to work and is starting to think of ways to make me go into labor. Yesterday we went to Target just to walk around and now that he knows about the pressure points in my hands and legs I'm sure he's going to want to give me some massages to speed things along.
Everything checked out at my doctor's appointment this morning, although I did find out that I tested positive for the Group B Strep. For this they will just give me some antibiotics intraveneously while I am in labor, nothing too concerning. My blood pressure, weight and urine, baby's heart beat, and measurements are all looking good. So far I've gained about 34 pounds, so right in line with the suggested 25-35.
The Braxton Hicks contractions are coming more frequently now. They are painless and I actually didn't think I was having them as often as I was until my doctor told me that when the baby "balls up" I am in deed contracting. The baby has definitely dropped and I'm having a lot more lower back pain which I relieve with heat. People at work tell me that it looks like the baby is going to fall out! I am still sleeping pretty good at night. I just have to get up once or twice to empty the bladder but that is to be expected. Even though I am only working 24 hours/week, I still get fatigued very easily. It almost feels like I am going to fall asleep at my desk! I think this 3rd trimester fatigue is almost worse than in the 1st trimester. Plus, the faster I try to move around the house to get stuff done, the more I wear myself out. Guess it's all that extra weight I'm carrying around!
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