Within the last couple days I made it to another big milestone in my pregnancy. I just entered into my third trimester. That means I am now 28 weeks pregnant and have about 12 more weeks to go. I cannot believe how fast time is flying. My sister and I were just talking about how these last few months are going to go even faster. Here is our reasoning: December is full of the Christmas bustle and always comes and goes before you know it. January we will be painting, arranging, & decorating the baby's room and going to birthing classes. February is just plain a short month anyways with only 28 days this year! So the baby will be here before we know it! I know with all this going on time will probably start to slow down for me as I get more uncomfortable in walking, sleeping and doing just about everything I do daily.
But for right now I still feel great. The only things I have to complain about right now is that I must have pulled something last weekend in my hips/pelvis because I've had a pain in my right hip for the last week and have literally been painfully limping around. I have a chiropractor appointment today so I am counting on that to get me back in line. What they've told me in the past is that one leg gets longer than the other which makes complete sense as to why it hurts to walk.
I think I still look pretty good for being 28 weeks along. I can tell by looking at my ankles that I am retaining a little fluid but otherwise I have mostly just grown in size in my belly. While I can still squeaze into my pre-pregnancy winter coat I think it's about time to move the steering wheel back a bit since it's rubbing against my tummy, especially when I'm all bundled up. I've been asked quite a bit if I'm having crazings and I am not having any more than before I became pregnant. Breakfast foods like French toast and pancakes are probably the one thing I ask for the most and that's because I like the carbs and putting syrup on them is a treat.
BIB is continuing to get stronger and stronger. The latest thing we've noticed is my stomach getting hard bulges while the other areas are still pretty loose. I guess that means BIB is moving from one area to another. I also had it the other night where I put my hand on my belly and I could feel this lump kind of moving in circles beneath my hand. It just is so cool to know that our little son or daughter is in there!
Oh, and I actually heard back from Dr. Rousy, my blood doctor twice within the last couple weeks. He said that he still doesn't know the underlying cause of the abnormal test results and since I am so healthy he doesn't think we need to be alarmed at this time. I might have to have frequent hemoglobin tests as we near the end of the pregnancy and also send my blood in for type and cross match as we get near the end. I shouldn't need a blood transfusion when I'm delivering, but should have the tests done so they have blood on hand just in case. I also have to go get another antibody test done in 4 weeks just to make sure the antibody levels haven't gone up.
I think that about covers the last couple weeks. Feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions on how things are going and I'll be sure to cover them next time.
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