On Thanksgiving I hit the 26 week mark - only 14 more weeks to go. And, if you've been paying any attention to the ticker to the right you also will have noticed that I'm into the double digits of remaining days! I know I can make it!
On Thursday, the 19th, I had my blood doctor appointment. He told me that I seemed to be really healthy and he never would have picked me out of the crowd for someone having this antibody problem. But I guess he enjoys a challenge so he had me give 7 viles of blood for sampling. Basically, he wants to figure out which proteins the antibodies are attracted to. I still haven't heard the results of the tests but I will be sure to post once I get the call.
Then, on Friday, the 20th, I had my latest doctor's appointment. The baby's heartbeat was normal and I am also measuring where I should be for this stage in the game. I guess the best news was that so far I have only gained 18 pounds! (Of course, now that we just celebrated Thanksgiving who knows where I'm at!) It was kinda funny because I didn't gain any weight since the appointment before, but I know the baby's growing because I definitely got bigger and the baby's kicking stronger and stronger each day. They say that average weight women should gain 25-35 pounds throughout their pregnancy. I know plenty of people who went over that and it just takes longer to get the weight back off.
My sister stopped by last Wednesday night and she was finally able to feel BIB kicking!
Last Sunday John and I did some major grocery shopping and I think I over did it a little because ever since that trip I have been moving a lot slower and am a lot more tired. It might be time for another chiropractor appointment or maybe it's just because I'm getting bigger!
I have been doing a lot more work in the office, soon to be nursery. We picked out a light olive-greeny paint color that goes really well with the bedding set we're currently thinking of. John was also finally able to run the vacuum across the office floor. Progress is finally able to be seen with my decluttering work.
Here is a picture of me at 25 1/2 weeks for those of you who I haven't over Thanksgiving.
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