
Monday, May 18, 2009

Summer Hours - take 1

A few posts back I wrote that I signed up to work summer hours at work. It's not that I wanted to or wasn't busy enough. I do want to work and save my PTO and we are extremely busy as there seems to be new issues to solve every single day. The company simply has to reduce its spending and I am thankful that I still have a job. To elaborate just a little more, everyone was asked to either take 8 hours unpaid or use 8 hours of PTO each week for 13 weeks. I signed up for only 8 weeks since my AM is going on maternity leave the end of July.

Today starts the first week of summer hours. For the first week I am only doing reduced work days, for instance, today I'm going in at 9:30 instead of 8:00. Instead of thinking of this summer hours thing as a burden, I'm going to try and let it work for me. With going into work a little later it would be easy just to sleep in that much more. However, I plan to blog a little more, prepare some more homemade meals for me and my hubby, and just plain spend more time with John. Also, I want to see if I can dedicate one day to a certain area of our house and see how clean/organized I can get in the next month. There are definitely areas of the house that need some attention and a little TLC.

Stay tuned!

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