We did not spontaneously decide to buy a new washer and dryer last Tuesday during the work day. The most that I had even seen of the pair was only the picture of the washing machine from Home Depot's website! We will definitely be saving some money with this new pair.
I got a chicken ready for John to put in the oven on Wednesday morning before he left for work. I usually put celery in the chicken for extra flavor. I did not first realize that what I had stuffed the chicken with was romaine lettuce instead of celery when I was driving home from work that night.
I did not run into a gal I used to teach with at the School of Music at Rainbow last Wednesday night. It had not been 2 years since I saw her last, wow time flies...
Because the chicken was in the oven all day during work, I did not worry that something would go wrong with the oven. I was very happy to see that the row of townhouses was still standing as I turned the corner at the end of my drive!
John did not find many good deals at Mackenthun's Dollar Days sale this week. See our good meal from Friday? Everything was from Dollar Days! (Country Ribs, Tater Rounds, and Broccoli...ooh, can't forget the awesome pork seasoning on the ribs!)
I did not successfully eat my entire meal at Khan's with chopsticks. I did not sneak several extra pair of chopsticks home with us. Khan's does not have Mexican men cooking the Mongolian food.
Saturday night I did not post my first ever Craigslist ad to try and get rid of our old washer and dryer. I was not lucky enough to receive a reply within a couple hours of the post and get rid of the set the very next day! We did not sell our old washer & dryer pair for only $60 ($100 was the asking price but I didn't want to take a chance of not getting any more inquiries. This reminds me, I still need to remove the ad from the listings...).
John did not try to introduce me to an elderly lady at church who semed to remember him from when he was a baby just to get shot down and not really seem to care at all.
Our Plecostomus did not bite the dust last week. I bought a new one and a couple more fishies, 3 of which did not already die. I guess I know which kind not to get next time!
I did not find out that one of my best friends recently got engaged a week ago through my mom who heard it at church!
Uh, btw, you coulda got a lot more money that 100, a piece, even......