On Saturday, March 22nd, my mom and I got to host a bridal shower for my sister! So many things that we've been planning for awhile are finally starting to happen! We decided on a coffeehouse theme since both Rachel and Nate love coffee and they went on lots of coffee dates early on. We really focused on the coffee theme both decorations and food. For the decorations we filled vases with coffee beans and hand-made colored coffee filter flowers. We framed sayings that played up the theme.
We made a beautiful banner using more coffee filters which read, "love is brewing".
Then, every coffeehouse has a tip jar for the barista, so why not at our 'coffeehouse'? Guests shared some favorite household and kitchen tips for the bride-to-be! I even learned a few things myself :)
We had fun putting together a small coffee bar. I dipped some sugar cubes in navy almond bark and also made my own french vanilla creamer which sure got the people drinking lots of coffee! And, what would our coffeehouse shower be without a lovely plate of biscotti! The lunch menu was just as wonderful but I didn't get pictures of that. Pesto-chicken croissant sandwiches, Caesar salad and fresh fruit were delicious! And a pillow mint dessert added for a bit of nostalgia to the party as well.
I snapped a quick picture of Rachel and Grandma while we finished up lunch.
I totally made Rachel cry with my gift - mission accomplished! Three photo books: a small guest book to put out at their reception, a 12"x12" book of their engagement pictures that I took for them, and a recipe book filled with family favorites! The recipe book was definitely a labor of love but totally worth every minute spent on it!
Love you, Rachel! Thanks to everyone for coming and making the shower a success! Next stop: Wedding!!!