Hey everyone! If I still have any blog followers - thank you and welcome back!! We have been super busy here at our new home and I hope to get lots of family, house and season updates in soon but until then, enjoy the funnies. And stay warm! What a cold, cold winter so far.
I admit, I hadn't been recording funnies the entire time I've been on 3-month blog hiatus but here are what I took note of for the last few weeks - plus funny photos as well!
Owen...what fashion!!! To him, anything can, and will, become a hat.
The first thing we do when Megan is gone is go play in her room! He and I had some fun playing dress-up when Megan was at preschool one day!!
And here is Megan, sporting Mommy's glasses. Time to start looking studious now that she's in Preschool!
Nothing too funny here, but I just love the times when they play together... even if it is just for a few short minutes. It's great they have each other!
I guess all of that "playing nice with his sister" wore Owen out!
I may never have to crack another egg myself again! Megan is becoming quite the helper in the kitchen. (And no, I did not mean to have the knife laying out on the counter when I took the picture.)
Here are some Megan definitions for you:
- Dogmation = the fire dog that rides on the fire truck.
- Hick-a-dargen = the grade between preschool and first grade.
A couple weeks ago Megan insisted on sleeping with princess gloves on, simply because she had never done it before. It's always fun to watch them do and try new things - that's how they learn. Even if their fingers get in the wrong slots during the night!
I'm going to have to stop giving the kids joint baths, unfortunately. When Owen stands up, Megan is right away going poke, poke you-know-where. Well, one time he stood up and p**d. Megan quickly exclaimed, "there's water in there!!" It's technically pee - not a squirty bath toy!!
Believe it or not, but Megan and I sometimes get into little squabbles when we're getting ready in the morning. One morning she was being a little more defiant than usual as we were trying to get everything in line for preschool and work. She wasn't listening to a single thing I had been saying and I felt I was wasting my breath. I asked if she was listening to me and she called me a silly goose. I figured I would one-up her and asked what the silly goose says. Her reply? "Honk, Honk". Yep, backfired...
That evening coming home from childcare, she asked for some crackers as a snack. I said she could but she would have to eat it at the table and not on the new couch. Then I started go elaborate a little more and talk about what crumbs are. I got a lecture in return as Megan replied with, "Oh Mommy.... I know
everything about crumbs. That's when you get out the broom."
Megan and I made red velvet cupcakes for Valentine's Day again this year. We like to also share with our families and we delivered some to my parents' house my mom asked Megan how many she should take for Grandpa. Megan's answer? "One at a time!" Wow - that was easy!
Owen's been going through a phase lately where he doesn't want to eat food. All he wants is milk unless the food is something he's craving. It has not been very fun but there was one night at dinner where he was actually eating when I was feeding him with a spoon. I was trying to get as many bites in his little mouth before he turned off the food mode. I kind of groaned once when he reached for the milk cup and Megan said, "Hey Mom! It's like a pattern: food, milk, food milk! I was quick to reply that saying, "Well, food, food, milk, food, food, milk is a pattern, too!
I sometimes take my wedding ring off on the weekends and one Saturday I had it on the bathroom counter. Well,
Little Miss I Spy found it and wanted to wear it. Whew.... that's a pretty expensive thing for a 3-year old to be wearing but I gave in and told her she could have it on for five minutes and set the timer on my phone so she'd know when the time would be up. She was just fine when the timer went off but when she saw me put it on my ring finger this was her comments: "Oh, you're going to wear it now? I'll set the timer for
Megan came home from preschool with the family bag last week. It's a little bag with activities for kids to do at home with their parents. Well, Megan had news for me about the bag. "It's a brand new bag, Mom. Because Nora's brother went chew, chew, chew through the old one and Mrs. Weber had to get us a new bag." I had to laugh at how she explained the whole story and the chipmunk mannerisms she had when talking about the baby chewing through the bag. I told her it was funny how she explained it. She said, "No Mom.... That was very naughty!!!"
Owen just cracks me up too sometimes with how sweet and innocent he is. During snack time at Sunday School, one of his friends took a drink out of a cup and had to cough. Owen hopped down from his chair to pat his buddy on the back and then climbed back onto his own chair. I was so touched! Then the next couple days whenever Owen would swallow wrong or have to cough, he'd twist his arm around as far as it would go and try to pat his own back!!!
Finally - Megan is really good about getting a tissue when she has a runny nose but must have been lazy one night and simply said as I walked by, "Mommy, can I use your sleeve?"