Our little Owen has changed so much in just the last month. I wasn't sad about him turning a year but this 13 month stuff is a different story. He is just changing so much every day!
Owen has sure turned into a giggly little guy. I love it when he starts laughing and clapping when I walk through the door after getting home from work. John loves the giggles he gets when he bounces Owen's tummy on his head!
Owen has been sleeping a lot better lately - sleeping through the night for the past couple weeks, in fact! We've added a couple crackers to the bedtime routine. Oh, and I can't forget about the books. Owen's become obsessed with books and brings several to me at bedtime before he crawls up on my lap! We do about three simple board books every night. One more thing is I have to suck on his tiny little toes before putting him into his crib with fuzzy blankets. He is surely a toe guy :)
Owen is in constant watch and observation of everything we do and then, of course, will try to imitate our actions. Examples of this include:
- Brushing his teeth - If he sees one of us (including Megan) in the bathroom, toothbrush in hand, you'd better hurry up and get toothpaste on his little brush! He actually does a good job of moving it back and forth!
- Combing hair - All I had to do once was take out a comb to try spiking his fuzz when he ripped it out of my grip to try combing my hair!
- Praying at mealtime - Yep, every time we pray he is there with folded hands!
- Covering his eyes to play "what's missing?" - A game Megan picked up from Daniel Tiger. Cover your eyes while someone else pulls something off of the table. Then try to guess what's missing!
- Rinsing shampoo off of his head with the bath pitcher - Doesn't quite get the pitcher high enough but gets the concept.
- Putting shoes on his - He surely knows what shoes are for and where they go!
- Blowing the dandelions - Although more fuzz gets in his mouth than in the air he is off to a great start!
- Hugs & Kisses - He sure wants to be in the action when hugs and kisses are being handed out!
Hmm, being that he is copying so much of what we do I really, really need to push that sign language thing on him. Just learning a couple signs would help so much! Although he is doing a great job of communicating the way he is now... For instance, if he is tired of a particular food or wants to get out of his high chair he will toss the food overboard. If he doesn't want you to hold him back from going somewhere he will try to bite. If pickles are on the table he will point and grunt until he gets one... OK, maybe I do need to teach him a few signs :)
Owen is now saying "buh bye" very clearly and knows what it means. He will go into the bathroom or closet and shut the door saying "buh bye, buh bye". He will also wave and say it when going into the car. We don't hear Dada very often but he can say that too. At Home Depot last two weekends ago we rounded the corner where John was and Owen let out a great big "Dah"! Balls are still a favorite thing too, although he won't just hold onto them anymore when I give him one in his stroller. He likes to throw it like the big kids! Yeah... Owen likes to throw a lot of things and make big messes in the process... That's why I call him "TornOwen"!
I am proud to say that Owen now likes noodles!! What was I doing wrong? I was giving them to him plain - but this kid likes flavor! Also still can't find many types of meat he won't eat, with the exception of taco meat. Owen knows the difference between snacks and meals. When he's hungry and it's mealtime he expects hearty foods and will look past the Cheerios and wait for the good stuff. Good for him for knowing the difference! Owen is still on the bottle and I have just two more months for weaning him off of that thing. Wish me luck! We are sure going through a lot of whole milk and that transition went really smooth. Just hoping that consumption will go down once we are onto cups full-time.
Other things this month are that Owen's starting to give 5's when you put your hand out. He loves lights (sometimes I think he can even say "light") and always wants to touch them. He also learned that he can climb onto the couch by himself! Owen still has a "left-behind" anxiety. It doesn't matter who is going where... he just wants to be a part of it!
I still haven't gotten professional 1-year pictures taken because he's had a constant bump on his forehead. Hopefully in the next few weeks. Until then, enjoy more candids!