I knew the new year was not going to start off on the best foot and our recent series of unfortunate events proves it. John says that things come in three's so hopefully we're good for awhile now. The good thing is that in the end, everything eventually turned out OK.
The first unfortunate event happened the first week of January. Our laundry area is right where you come in from the garage and on the floor we have a collection of carpet samples covering the linoleum. We noticed one night that some of the squares were drenched with water. At that time, we couldn't feel that anything else was wet and just left it alone. The next night I investigated even more and noticed that there was water under almost all the carpet and the water was coming from the washing machine. I mopped up all the water and when John came home he turned off the water. We did have to do laundry so turned the water back on and a few days after we noticed more water coming out. Luckily, John was able to figure out that it was just a water hose that had come loose. He had to clean out the area and move the washer & dryer ahead, but he was able to secure the hose and now no more water leaks!
The second unfortunate event happened on January 14
th. We knew that things are going downhill for the company I work for and that changes were going to be coming/
announced that week. It just so happened that I was told my position would be eliminated and my last day would be in 2 weeks. They let me go home for the afternoon and work from home on Friday. John and I immediately started thinking of switching over our health insurance to Home Depot's and making other such plans. My two other team members at work were so upset that I was being let go that just a few days later they came up with an idea where if they reduced their hours maybe I could stay on part time, too. Everyone at the company liked that idea. Janice and Kelli will go down to 32 hours/week and I will stay on at 24 hours/week. As disgusted as I am with YA right now that they would do this to me (especially being 8 months pregnant and not even knowing half of what I do for the company), it is nice to know that I am blessed with such wonderful co-workers and also be able to keep our insurance and some money coming in.
The last unfortunate event came on Tuesday night, January 19th. As John was driving home from work (he closed that night so this was around 9:30 or 10), he noticed his car acting up. The dashboard lights started to get dim and he noticed a funky smell. He took the 101 exit off of 212 and made it a block from Kwik Trip when his car completely died. He called his dad and they tried to jump start his car but each time they did it only went a few seconds before dying. A state trooper happened to drive past and push John over to the Kwik Trip. Since my dad is pretty good with cars and anything with a motor, we called him up for advice. We all kind of figured it was the alternator that had gone out so the next day he picked up John, picked up a new alternator and headed over to Kwik Trip to put it in. They got lucky and it worked! John was also a little excited that he got to help fix his own car! I'm just glad that we were able to fix it with our parents' help and didn't have to get a tow and pay for labor.
This has definitely been quite the month but glad that everything seems to be working out in the end. Tomorrow, my team at work will be moving to a new building. Right now we are in Chanhassen but since the lease is up on the building we are moving to the Young America building. I am excited for a much shorter commute. That mixed in with my shortened days (I will probably work four 6-hour days and have Friday off) should help me relax this last month of my pregnancy.