I know that lots of stuff happened since I last gathered my thoughts here for you guys, but seriously, you think I can remember everything? Here are a few of the highlights: My parents had a going away party for my brother, Kevin, who moved out to Washington state to work for a year. Grandpa is still on the mend after yet another unexpected surgery. I've been trying to hit as many garage sales as I can (you know what I'm shopping for!). John had a team building event with the EP HD management tubing down the Apple River. Carver County Fair was this past weekend so we braved the heat for a few hours and went up. I got to spend some time with high school friends at Angie's bridal shower.
Ok, enough of that, on to the Not Me's!
John did not sunburn his legs while tubing down the Apple River on Thursday reclaiming the long lost title "Red-legged Lewis". He did not end up driving a carload of people, over 100 miles roundtrip!
I did not have 3 "episodes" within the last week and a half. Thankfully I'm doing better now.
John did not have enough of work last week and decided to take a personal day on Saturday. I'm glad he did because we could spend some together time watching movies and at the fair. Fair was fun even if we didn't buy the $1700 Waterless Cookware set after watching the hour demo! At least we were sitting in front of a big fan which kept us nice and cool on that extremely humid day.
Our big living room window did not kill a little bird. I was watching TV on Friday after work when I heard a loud thump. Nothing in the room had fallen over and when I looked outside at the patio I saw a bird laying there. Good thing for my burly and awesomely brave hubby who didn't mind disposing of the little creature.
My coworker did not think I was going to faint when a dog roamed into my cube today at work. I know toy poodles are pretty harmless but when you're not expecting them they can seem very ferocious.
Our kitchen is not a complete disaster again. John washed all the dishes sometime this weekend, but thanks to my zuccini baking and dinner making, it's back to how it was (or should I say, how it usually is?). Be on the look-out, by the way. Some zuccini cake just might be headed your way.
Have a great week everyone!