Here goes...
John did not run out of propane while cooking his lunch on Thursday.
The smallest turkey that I could find at Rainbow was not almost 18 pounds.
I did not have a bad cold on Friday.
We did not get two of the last five tickets to EPHS's performance of Joseph on Friday.
We did not eat sandwhiches at my work before going to Joseph to save money when we could have eaten at John's parents.
Sunday when we bought our Wii, we did not drive past 2 Targets to buy ours in EP without first checking the one in our own town.
I did not realize that we didn't have cloves or ground ginger when I tried to make a pumpkin pie at 9pm tonight.
I did not learn the importance of "blind-baking" a pie crust the hard way.
I did not let the dishes pile up in the kitchen again after promising myself I'd do the dishes every night.
John and I are not sore from playing the Wii on Sunday.
I did not discover several dings in our pretty hardwood floor as a result of a pad coming off of one of our new chairs :(
When I pulled my coat out of the dryer this morning, the zipper pull was not busted off. I did not replace the pull with a paper clip.
I did not get told by the man at FedEx that it would be $200 to ship a package international.
When John ordered our Chinese food tonight, he did not order online through the restaurant's shut-down website. He then did not have to talk to the restaurant owners and the website guy for 10 minutes trying to figure out what happened.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Not Me Monday #5
I did not wait until the final hours of Monday to write this Not Me Monday post.
I did not scrape the snow off of my car after work on Tuesday with a flip-flop.
The power did not go off Tuesday morning and leave me stranded in the power. This was not the first day that I realized the garage door also wouldn't work if the power went out.
While eating out of my bag of baby carrots I did not discover a baby carrot 5+ inches long! That was not a big baby carrot!
Since I got to work from home on Thursday afternoon, I did not let John nap until it was too late to meet his parents for dinner. I am not very sorry...
John did not just get a warning for driving 50 mph in a 40 mph zone coming into town.
While driving to rehearsal on Saturday morning, there was not a big buck walking across the street in a residential area.
I did not drive on the rumble strips just for fun on the way home from rehearsal tonight.
I am not regretting the lack of bassoon playing I have been doing lately. This musical is not proving to me that I have lost some of my bassoon "chops".
I did not scrape the snow off of my car after work on Tuesday with a flip-flop.
The power did not go off Tuesday morning and leave me stranded in the power. This was not the first day that I realized the garage door also wouldn't work if the power went out.
While eating out of my bag of baby carrots I did not discover a baby carrot 5+ inches long! That was not a big baby carrot!
Since I got to work from home on Thursday afternoon, I did not let John nap until it was too late to meet his parents for dinner. I am not very sorry...
John did not just get a warning for driving 50 mph in a 40 mph zone coming into town.
While driving to rehearsal on Saturday morning, there was not a big buck walking across the street in a residential area.
I did not drive on the rumble strips just for fun on the way home from rehearsal tonight.
I am not regretting the lack of bassoon playing I have been doing lately. This musical is not proving to me that I have lost some of my bassoon "chops".
Monday, November 10, 2008
The apple bread story
Last night I made two loaves of apple bread, one to bring to work and one for John. This morning when he called me to sing me Happy Birthday we had the following conversation regarding the loaf of bread:
John: I had some of your apple bread for breakfast.
Me: Oh, how was it?
John: It was good. I had 3 pieces.
Me: How big were the pieces?
John: That's not important.
John: I had some of your apple bread for breakfast.
Me: Oh, how was it?
John: It was good. I had 3 pieces.
Me: How big were the pieces?
John: That's not important.
Not Me Monday #4
I did not start to ask myself why I started doing a 2-week cleanse only a few days into the process.
There was NOT snow on the ground Friday morning when I awoke.
I did not roll down my car window and try to take pictures of the beautiful trees on my way to work. Not me, that would be dangerous.
While eating my salad at Lakewinds I did not bite two tines off of my plastic fork. I did not have to then search for and pull out the two tiny tines from my salad so not to eat them by accident.
There was NOT snow on the ground Friday morning when I awoke.
I did not roll down my car window and try to take pictures of the beautiful trees on my way to work. Not me, that would be dangerous.
While eating my salad at Lakewinds I did not bite two tines off of my plastic fork. I did not have to then search for and pull out the two tiny tines from my salad so not to eat them by accident.
I did not accidentally discover where John hid my birthday presents on Friday night.
I did not sleep until noon on Saturday after being at a friend's house until 1:30am the night before. It did not feel wonderful to sleep that long.
I was not disappointed when the rice cooker didn't work for me last night. Not me, the rice cooker was not my favorite small appliance.
I did not let an entire load of laundry go through the complete cycle without adding the detergent.
John and I did not need to celebrate my birthday on Friday night since we wouldn't be seeing each other on Monday night.Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I am a five-time survivor.
Today was a weird day from the very beginning. The weather looked dreary when I got up and for some reason at breakfast I thought we had juice in the refrigerator, but was wrong. I had to drink water. I got to work around 8:15 again this morning which seems to be my normal start time now. To get there any sooner would be pushing it a bit. I tried calling my mom a few times during work today (we work at the same company) but there was no answer. Then I got a phone call from one of her co-workers, which I thought was odd. She told me that my mom wanted to her to call me because I had probably heard rumors by now and would have started to wonder. The rumors were that we were in the middle of a layoff (this is now a total of 5 since I started only 2 years ago). I immediately thought my mom was on the list of 24 employees being cut. Nope, she was just driving someone else home who doesn't drive. I was relieved.
After going through this 5 times now you'd think I would be used to it. The truth is, it never is easy to see people you've worked closely with for years be told they no longer have a job. Everytime we go through this I wonder why I was kept and not them. I suppose working for the largest client at the company and being one of least paid people in AM helps a bit. I want to think that I'm doing a good job and people appreciate me but I still know that I need to step it up and buckle down. I'll buckle down tomorrow. Today I'm drained.
On a good note, today is the 7 month anniversary of John and my wedding. I love you, John!
After going through this 5 times now you'd think I would be used to it. The truth is, it never is easy to see people you've worked closely with for years be told they no longer have a job. Everytime we go through this I wonder why I was kept and not them. I suppose working for the largest client at the company and being one of least paid people in AM helps a bit. I want to think that I'm doing a good job and people appreciate me but I still know that I need to step it up and buckle down. I'll buckle down tomorrow. Today I'm drained.
On a good note, today is the 7 month anniversary of John and my wedding. I love you, John!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I Voted
During dinner last night I wondered if election day would one day adapt to Apple's branding, making the oh-so-famous red and white "I VOTED" sticker read as "iVote". On second thought, that would take away from the seriousness of the matter, but I still think it's clever.
Since I was busy with work and piano lessons until the polls closed this evening I had to vote before work. John was nice enough to come with me and we stood in line about 15 minutes before reaching the table to check in. Once we got that far it moved very quick. Luckily, I registered to vote at the fair this summer. If I had to have a job at working at the election site I would definitely NOT want to have the job of telling everyone how to fill in the ovals and confirming that there are indeed pens at each station. I still have a couple more hours to wait before if I chose all of the right answers on today's quiz. I didn't study up on all of the politicians before voting like I'm sure some people do. Politics do not interest me that much and probably never will; I hadn't even heard of half of the people on the ballots. Despite all this, I couldn't help but feel rather proud as I cast my ballot this morning knowing that I was doing my civic duty by giving my vote for the next leaders of our area and country.
Since I was busy with work and piano lessons until the polls closed this evening I had to vote before work. John was nice enough to come with me and we stood in line about 15 minutes before reaching the table to check in. Once we got that far it moved very quick. Luckily, I registered to vote at the fair this summer. If I had to have a job at working at the election site I would definitely NOT want to have the job of telling everyone how to fill in the ovals and confirming that there are indeed pens at each station. I still have a couple more hours to wait before if I chose all of the right answers on today's quiz. I didn't study up on all of the politicians before voting like I'm sure some people do. Politics do not interest me that much and probably never will; I hadn't even heard of half of the people on the ballots. Despite all this, I couldn't help but feel rather proud as I cast my ballot this morning knowing that I was doing my civic duty by giving my vote for the next leaders of our area and country.
Monday, November 3, 2008
We only had 9 trick-or-treaters this Halloween. I'm sure the siding mess on the front lawn didn't help matters any. However, that didn't keep these trick-or-treaters away. By far, they were the best dressed! My dad wore his Lederhosen he wore over 20 years ago and my mom is in an outfit I brought back from China when I went during college.

My husband. My hero. Reason #89
Not Me Monday #3
I did not "forget" to do a Not Me Monday post last week in an attempt to avoid focusing on my goof-ups. To make up for it (and to please my public), I will now try to remember everything from the past two weeks.
I did not call the Walgreen's rebate call center pretending to be my mother-in-law to have them reissue the $4.99 rebate check that I had her submit for me in her name (since I already had one in my name) after it didn't come in the mail the first time.
I did not take advantage of a co-worker's yummy homemade salsa at work one day partly to avoid my big t0-do list at work.
While going to pit practice a couple Saturday's ago (already late as usual), I did not miss my exit off of the highway. After getting onto 212, there was not a truck pulling a boat in the right lane slow which I wanted to avoid, so I moved into the left lane and missed my exit. The next exit off of the highway did not come 2 miles later.
When putting our new ironing board cover on to the ironing board my grandma got at a garage sale for us, I did not only disicover one but two covered up covers. That means there were not 3 gross ironing board covers on our ironing board! No wonder it smelled bad!
Last Saturday, when John asked the men working on our siding if they were coming back the next day, he did not get told "Uh, I don't speak English".
I have not been kicking nails off of the driveway for the past week. Do the siding guys think I want a flat tire or something?
We did not only get 7 trick-or-treaters for Halloween. 9 if you count my parents!
John did not put some of last year's candy into the Halloween candy bowl because he really liked the assortment of this year's candy bars.
I have not made multiple trips to fabric stores getting material for a quilt I want to make without even knowing the size or pattern.
I did not discover Friday that my new favorite Asian grocery store, which happens to be right by my work, is going out of business.
I do not regret asking my 2nd grade piano student what he was for Halloween. Especially after he described to me that he wasn't the real Indiana Jones because he had a black whip and not a brown whip.
I was not almost in bed at 9 pm on Sunday night before I realized that none of the clocks I had been looking at all evening had been switched back an hour for daylight saving's time.
John did not take pictures of two backed-up toilets on his camera phone just to convince someone to have them cleaned out. (The bathrooms are being remodeled so everyone is using a portable bathroom outside the front of the store.)
I did not call the Walgreen's rebate call center pretending to be my mother-in-law to have them reissue the $4.99 rebate check that I had her submit for me in her name (since I already had one in my name) after it didn't come in the mail the first time.
I did not take advantage of a co-worker's yummy homemade salsa at work one day partly to avoid my big t0-do list at work.
While going to pit practice a couple Saturday's ago (already late as usual), I did not miss my exit off of the highway. After getting onto 212, there was not a truck pulling a boat in the right lane slow which I wanted to avoid, so I moved into the left lane and missed my exit. The next exit off of the highway did not come 2 miles later.
When putting our new ironing board cover on to the ironing board my grandma got at a garage sale for us, I did not only disicover one but two covered up covers. That means there were not 3 gross ironing board covers on our ironing board! No wonder it smelled bad!
Last Saturday, when John asked the men working on our siding if they were coming back the next day, he did not get told "Uh, I don't speak English".
I have not been kicking nails off of the driveway for the past week. Do the siding guys think I want a flat tire or something?
We did not only get 7 trick-or-treaters for Halloween. 9 if you count my parents!
John did not put some of last year's candy into the Halloween candy bowl because he really liked the assortment of this year's candy bars.
I have not made multiple trips to fabric stores getting material for a quilt I want to make without even knowing the size or pattern.
I did not discover Friday that my new favorite Asian grocery store, which happens to be right by my work, is going out of business.
I do not regret asking my 2nd grade piano student what he was for Halloween. Especially after he described to me that he wasn't the real Indiana Jones because he had a black whip and not a brown whip.
I was not almost in bed at 9 pm on Sunday night before I realized that none of the clocks I had been looking at all evening had been switched back an hour for daylight saving's time.
John did not take pictures of two backed-up toilets on his camera phone just to convince someone to have them cleaned out. (The bathrooms are being remodeled so everyone is using a portable bathroom outside the front of the store.)
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