A lot of changes are being made at John's townhouse as we quickly approach the April 5th wedding date. It is exciting to see these changes take place and turn the house into a home for John and myself. Late November we ordered the new flooring for the upstairs and downstairs and finally the last of it will be installed in the next few days. After the boys left on Thanksgiving our first action was to paint the office a wonderful toffee color. Last weekend I finished making the curtains that inspired the paint color choice (pictures of them to follow). John's mom, Valerie, came over to help paint while his dad and brother, John and Michael, came to help rip out the carpet on the upper level of the house and stairs.

The carpet is great but we are even more excited for the hardwood floor to be installed tomorrow. John has been dreaming of hardwood for a while and, although it was a lot of work to rip out the carpet and move all the furniture out of the first floor, it will definitely be worth it. My dad came over this afternoon to help move the rest of the furniture out of the downstairs. You'd never believe the places they found to move things...Hutch on the landing, big screen TV in the hallway between the bathroom and laundry area and the refrigerator right next to that.
Where, you might ask, did we get of all the carpet that came out of the house? Well, conveniently the association decided all the houses needed new shingles the beginning of January... Let's just say we took advantage of the huge dumpster parked in our driveway for a week and a half.
I did take more of the mess that was created in packing and moving everything downstairs, but I think that in all the chaos the camera got left on the dryer and is now blocked by the refrigerator and TV. I will post more after things get more situated.
John is happy the hardwood is coming tomorrow!!!